She looked up at Jake as he waited for her to respond. To confirm their ruse.
Time to hope that she was a better actress than she’d been when she’d been forced to play Lady at the Ball in her eighth-grade production of Romeo and Juliet. At least that had been a non-speaking role.
“Darcy? When did that start?” Ethan asked, and Jake’s hand tightened on her waist.
“It’s crazy. I know. We met at Casino Night. Then again at your housewarming party. We hit it off,” she said with a shrug, like she wasn’t lying to a man she’d considered family since she and Ally had met so many years ago.
Why had lying to her own family felt less difficult than this? Probably because this was the first time she was lying directly to their face.
“Jake?” Ethan drew out.
“Yeah. What can I say? It’s new. She intrigues me, and I’m still surprised that she agreed to that first date a few weeks ago. We were enjoying our little bubble,” Jake said. Then he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her jaw. “Guess our secret’s out now.”
She held his gaze and smiled back at him. This wasn’t as hard as she’d expected. “Yeah, I guess so.” Had her voice sounded as dreamy to everyone else as it did in her head?
“Seriously? You two are dating?” Ethan kept his eyes on Darcy, so she powered through.
“I know it’s unexpected, but he was unexpected. It’s new, and we’re having fun. So yeah, we’re dating,” she said.
“And you’re happy, Darcy?” Ethan’s eyes darted back and forth between them.
“Yep,” she said brightly.
“Isn’t it great?” Ally said, popping up next to her brother and shooting Darcy a wide grin.
“You knew about this?” Ethan asked his sister.
“What can I say? I like playing matchmaker. Maybe Darcy will tame the wild Jake.”
Ethan scoffed. “I’m not sure anyone can do that.” Then he faced Darcy again. “As long as you’re happy, that’s all I care about. But if he hurts you, I don’t care that he has a killer slapshot, I will end him.”
“No need for violence,” Darcy said with a nervous laugh as she patted Jake’s chest. His rock-hard chest. What was going on under that button down?
“I’m right here, man,” Jake said, sounding affronted.
“Just keeping you aware, Jake,” Ethan said.
“Who needs a drink?” Ally said, breaking through the tension.
Jake skated his hand down her spine. He was probably trying to reassure her, but all it did was send lust spiraling through her and butterflies speeding into her belly.
It looked like they’d convinced Ethan. It was a start. And now she definitely needed a drink.
“Who’s ready tohand out kisses and hugs today?” Baz asked as he adjusted his bouncing heart headband. They’d convinced him to skip the battery-operated heart lights that he’d wanted to string through his beard.
“The hospital staff has asked you not to kiss the staff,” Westie teased Baz.
“I would never do that without permission, and you know it. I was talking about the parents. They love hugging me.”
“Because it’s like hugging a burly, fuzzy bear?” Harty asked with a grin.
“You’re just jealous because none of you can grow this glory,” Baz said, stroking his beard.
“Glory? I think you have some breakfast in there,” Jake said.
“Women have pockets for snacks, and I have this beard. Don’t hate,” he said, wiggling his brows.
“Gross, man. Gross,” Westie said. “Now, are you guys ready? Northman, fix that headband.”