“Are you on drugs? I’m not going to marry someone just to get a good deal. That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Relax, Jake. I’m not saying sign away your life to one woman. I’m saying, stop hooking up with a new woman every night and getting your picture taken. Do more hospital visits with the team. Keep your dating life low-key.”
“I don’t have a dating life.”
“Yeah, you have a bang and bail life, and you look like a prick,” Ralph said, setting his knife down on the edge of the plate after he took his last bite. “They seriously have the best steaks here.”
“You should try to stop insulting the man who gives you a paycheck.”
“I want you to straighten up and sign a massive deal so I can get a better paycheck. Truth hurts, Jake, but you need to face facts.”
Ralph never could sugarcoat anything.
“I know,” Jake grumbled. And he did. Well, in theory, he knew. In execution, he wasn’t that great.
“Quit saying I know and do it already.”
When the waitress stopped by to check on them, Jake ordered another bourbon. He needed it after that conversation.
And when she slipped him her number on a cocktail napkin, he left it behind with the bill.
It was a start.
A few dayslater, Ralph’s words still echoed in his head. Rattled around, more like it. He’d played back-to-back games against Anaheim and had avoided the penalty box, but had only managed to get a goal and two assists.
He also hadn’t had sex with anyone. Even when Evelyn texted him to see if he was around the other night. She was a flight attendant based in New York that was always up for a good time. Since he’d moved to San Francisco, whenever she had a layover in the city, they hooked up.
But he’d turned her down. Much to both of their shock.
Desperate times, man. Desperate times.
He shifted in his seat, thinking about what the woman could do with her tongue. He’d been an idiot to pass that up. But once his deal was signed, he wouldn’t turn down her next request.
Now he was headed to Harty’s for a housewarming party. His teammate had bought a house with his girlfriend, Penny, last month and they’d moved in a few weeks ago. Harty had been a goner as soon as he’d met Penny in Italy almost two years ago.
While Jake had been hooking up with his Italian fling, Vivianna, Harty had been falling in love. Jake really liked Penny. The two were a great fit.
Didn’t mean he didn’t miss the mayhem he used to get into with the man when they’d been in New York.
Harty had settled on a house outside the city. Like suburbia. Well, not completely. It was a big fucking house and Harty had a long-term deal that would keep him in San Francisco for years. The man said he hoped to finish his career here. Not that Jake wanted to even think about the end of their hockey careers. He planned to stretch it out as long as possible. He couldn’t imagine what he would do once it was over, but at the age of twenty-nine, he still had more than a few good playing years.
Jake pulled into the almost empty driveway. He was over an hour early. He thought he’d be a good friend and help them get ready.
Or he wanted to stop stewing over his own bullshit and get out of his condo.
He’d texted Harty on his way over and the guy told him to come by whenever. Jake grabbed two bottles of Ethan’s favorite bourbon and a box of Penny’s favorite dessert and headed up the stone walkway to the front door.
“Hey, man, brought your own booze?” Harty said when he opened the door.
“Funny. Housewarming gift. I hear that’s the thing friends do when their other friends decide to grow up,” Jake said with a grin.
“Ooh, what’s in that box? That’s from my favorite bakery,” Penny said, ducking around Harty and tugging Jake inside.
“Triple chocolate cookies from Devine’s just for you, Penny,” he said, but she was already munching on one.
“So good. Jake brought presents,” Penny called out as they walked into the kitchen.