Page 121 of Going All In

He stripped down to his boxer briefs and stretched out on the comforter, his head hitting the pillow that he swore faintly smelled like Darcy, even though the sheets had been washed. He knew that some of her stuff was still here. Random clothes and toiletries. A few pens that she’d nibbled on while she tried to study and he’d tried to convince her to take a break.

Yes. He wasn’t the best at letting her get her work done when he was home, but she always said she had plenty of time to get caught up when he was at practice or working out. He wasn’t on top of her twenty-four seven.

He knew she was stressed and how important her project was to her, but he’d thought they would get through it.

Fucking hell, he was a mess. A mopey, maudlin mess. It was like he’d actually handed her his balls and she’d stomped all over them.

Shit. He was annoyed with himself and this train of thought.

No wonder he avoided love. What an epic train wreck.

But he fucking missed her. Her humor and her smile and that stupid shark lecture she’d dragged him to. Hell, he’d lose every time at mini-golf to see that goofy expression on her face when she learned some new and obscure fact and got way too excited about it.

He shook his head. This shit needed to end. He was in the goddamn playoffs, and his only focus needed to be on the game in two days. The game that could end his season if they didn’t get it together.

That was the only thing that mattered right now.

Everything else was going to wait. It had to.