Page 115 of Going All In

“It seems you may have been distracted lately, or struggling with balancing your priorities. And I feel some of your work is starting to reflect that,” she said, and Darcy’s chest seized.

This was exactly what she was afraid of. She’d worked so hard to stay on top of everything, and yes, the notes on her last two drafts had been a lot, but she was doing her best.

“I apologize for that,” she said, unsure of what else to say with all the thoughts swirling around in her head.

“I know there is a lot going on at the end of the year, but you are so close to finishing your degree, and I want you to be successful,” she continued. “If you feel that you are falling behind, or are overwhelmed and want to talk about it, let me know. Otherwise, you might just need to try to remove unnecessary distractions and concentrate on your work.”

Darcy was determined to focus solely on finishing her degree. But Jake was a distraction. He always had been, and the entire purpose of their ruse was to further both of their agendas.

“I promise that I am focused on completing my degree, but I have been distracted. There have been more obligations than I anticipated.”

“Okay. Then send me what you have. I’ll take a look and we’ll schedule another meeting for next week.”

“Thank you, Dr. Maguire.”

“Anytime. Good luck.”

Darcy was mortified. She didn’t want her mentor to confirm the doubts and concerns she was already having. That gave them a validity she wasn’t ready to confront.

Because it meant that maybe now wasn’t the time to pursue something with Jake. Now was not the time to fall in love, and that’s exactly what she’d done. To the potential detriment of her degree and future career.


She walked throughher front door, dropped her bag on the floor, and plopped down on the couch, grateful that she was home alone.

She needed to process her swirling emotions, and that wouldn’t happen if Ally was home or if Darcy had gone to Jake’s.

Dr. Maguire made some valid points. Had she let herself—her goals—start to slip because she’d fallen in love with Jake? Their plan had been clear in the beginning, but the lines had blurred beyond recognition.

Not that she hadn’t fallen in love with him. That wasn’t fake.

But was it derailing her plans?

Her phone rang, jolting her out of her thoughts, and she swiped it on without looking.

“Darcy. I just heard the news. Ethan and Penny are getting married. Isn’t that wonderful?” her mother said. She really should’ve looked at her phone before answering.

“Um. Hi, Mom. Yeah, I was there when it happened,” she said, settling back into the couch cushions and wishing they would swallow her up.

“That’s wonderful. Was it super romantic? I bet it was. Ethan is such a sweetheart. I’m so happy for them. That wedding will be amazing, don’t you think?” her mother continued.

“Yeah. I’m sure it will.”

“Maybe there will be wedding bells in your near future too. Jake is so in love with you and we couldn’t be happier that you’ve found someone like him. The perfect match,” her mother said dreamily.

God. She needed to get off the phone before her head exploded.

“Mom. I have to go. I just got in, and I’m exhausted.”

“That’s because you study too much. It’s a good thing that school is almost over. Are you sure you want to keep going for your doctorate? I mean, at least settle down before that’s over.”

“I really have to go, Mom,” she said.

“Okay. Maybe lie down for a bit. Love you.”

“Love you,” Darcy echoed, ending the call before her mother could say anything else.

How the hell was she supposed to rest when her brain was going a mile a minute with things she didn’t want to think about or admit?