Page 105 of Going All In

Chapter 21

After Rudy leftat the end of Darcy’s office hours, Darcy was finally ready to finish her grading. She had at least two hours of work and ninety minutes to get it done before she had to meet Ally at Amanda and Ben’s place to watch the game.

Yes. Her priorities had managed to get skewed over the course of her relationship with Jake, but she was working on it. She was determined to get everything done and still find time for Jake. She couldn’t let it become a problem.

At least she was no longer working at the coffee shop. It had given her great joy to tell Shelby she couldn’t pick up her shift this weekend because her last day was a few days ago. She’d given them two weeks and not a day longer. It was a relief to at least have that time back.

She separated the stack of essays and got to work.

“Knock, knock,” a voice said from her door, and Darcy looked up to see Dr. Maguire standing there.

“Hi, Dr. Maguire. We didn’t have a meeting, did we?” she asked, setting aside her grading that she was only halfway through.

“Hello, Darcy. No. Not until next week. I saw your door open and thought I’d peek in to see how everything was going.”

“Oh, it’s great. Finishing up some grading before I head out,” she said, holding up the stack of papers.

“A TA’s work is never done.” Dr. Maguire smiled. “I’m looking forward to discussing your latest draft. You’re sending me your peer review draft in a few days, correct? Can we discuss it at our meeting next Friday?”

“Absolutely,” Darcy said with a smile that she hoped didn’t show her panic. She should be spending the night at home, finishing that peer review, but instead, she was meeting some of the WAGs at Amanda’s to watch game three.

“Great. Enjoy the rest of your grading—and your evening,” Dr. Maguire said, then continued to walk down the hall.

Darcy’s phone buzzed on her desk before she had a chance to dwell on what she should be doing tonight.

Ally:Do you need me to bring your jersey to Amanda’s tonight?

Darcy:Shit. Yeah. I forgot to grab it.

Ally:I have beer and snacks, so just make sure you get there before the game starts.

Darcy:I will. I’m almost done here.

Ally:See you later.

She pulled up her text chain with Jake to wish him luck. The Strikers were up two to nothing against Vancouver, and tonight was the first away game in the series. They looked strong, and Darcy hoped they would sweep this round.

Forty-five minutes later, she finished the last essay and headed out, grabbing an Uber. She didn’t have time to go home first—or to what she should refer to as home. She shouldn’t consider his place home, but it felt more like home to her than her own apartment. She really was a shitty roommate, leaving Ally on her own more nights than not, but Ally never said a word about it. Other than to tease her about falling in love with the bad boy of hockey.

And yes, she was definitely in love with Jake Northman. She just hadn’t told anyone yet. She was having difficulty telling herself that sometimes.

When the Uber pulled up in front of the condo building, she grabbed her messenger bag, planning to drop it off at Jake’s before heading up one floor to Ben and Amanda’s condo.

“Hey, Darcy, heading to Amanda’s?” Penny asked as Darcy walked into the lobby behind her. Penny was decked out in Strikers gear, including her personalized jersey.

“Why else would I be here?” Darcy replied, and Penny laughed.

“Oh please, we all know you’ve been spending a lot of time at Jake’s.”

“Like too much? Has he said anything?”

Penny linked her hand through Darcy’s arm. “Of course not. Honestly, I’m glad things are progressing for both of you. You bring out the good side of him that Ethan’s always mentioned and that I got glimpses of in Italy. As opposite as you might seem, you fit very well together. I know Ethan was standoffish at first because you’re like a sister to him, and Jake is—well, Jake, but you make each other happy, and in the end, that’s all that matters.”

“Thanks. Jake is really amazing. Ethan has nothing to worry about.”

“He knows that now. Come on, let’s get up there before Amanda starts calling. She wants everyone ready to watch before the puck drops. I swear I think she’s becoming as superstitious as Ben.”

“You’re here. Great. I have your jersey,” Ally said when Darcy and Penny walked through the door.