“They will,” Libby says softly. I squeeze her hip.
“But they’re safe, and that’s what matters,” I reassure her.
“Where are they?”
“Still there for now. There are teams of people that will be coming in. This won’t be a quick fix.”
“But it’s a start.” Winter smiles.
“It is,” I agree.
"Can we assist with more than just answering a few questions?" Libby asks.
“In due time.” I had a feeling she would want to. I actually think a lot of people in town will want to help if they can.
“Our parents. You haven’t mentioned them.” Libby tenses at her sister's question. Garrett pulls Winter closer.
“We have your mother. Your father took off a few days ago. I'm guessing he and a few others were spooked when I took Libby and Joseph didn't return.”
“I don’t like this.” Winter shakes her head. Libby is too damn quiet and still.
“We’ll find him.” Garrett’s eyes lock with mine.
“That’s a promise,” he vows.
I am far from done with Libby’s father. In fact, I haven’t even started.
“Igot you!”
“How could you?” I gasp before I dramatically fall backward onto the fluffy snow.
“Libby!” Fate shouts my name. I hear her tiny feet running toward me, accompanied by the crunch of the snow beneath her boots. “Are you okay?”
“Got you!” I grab her, pulling her down onto me. She lets out a squeal of laughter as I start to tickle her.
“I give, I give,” she says through laughter. Those giggles never cease to make me smile, and I often need that around here. It’s been a week since the raid on Heaven’s Temple. A few days later, they allowed Winter and me to enter. We have been helping where we can. The first days after the raid, it was us who answered questions about who some people are and what they have done.
Even though I knew this place was terrible, it's jarring to see everything so clearly laid out in front of you. I think you shuffle some things to the back of your mind. It’s how you learn to deal with each day. Everyone has a great amount of healing to do. Some more than others.
“Hot chocolate time!” I hear Nora call out.
“Marshmallows!” Fate jumps up excitedly. “You coming?”
"Yes," I reply, brushing the snow off both of us as we follow the other kids. They are handling things the best, already getting a taste of the outside world. Literally. Hot chocolate was never something we had.
There is still a mix of people that are pushing back. A lot of women. My mother is one of them. A few want out, but paperwork takes time. A lot of us don‘t have birth certificates or Social Security cards.
A few men are still missing. My father is one of them. A couple have already been tracked down. I spot my sister on the other side of the room cradling a baby. I have a feeling that this will soon become her reality.
I get a hot chocolate for myself and Fate, then grab some coloring books. Someone puts on some Christmas music. This was a holiday we never celebrated, but that isn’t stopping us now. The rec area already has a tree up, and we spent yesterday decorating. There has been an outpouring from the town, and a lot of resources have been pulled in to help as well. Ace and Garrett have also been in the thick of things right along with us.
“Story time,” someone calls.
“I got this,” I tell Fate before giving her a kiss on the head and picking up the crayons.