I notice that Garrett has followed us over but stands on the edge of the dance floor. A lot of the men are doing that, but Garrett has his arms folded over his chest, that stoic, hard expression on his face. The other guys are more laidback.
A new song comes on. “I know this one!” I shout. I’ve heard it a million times on TikTok. Winter and I dance together. I forget about all the other people. That is until I feel a hand come to my hip, making me jump.
“Hey, back up!” Winter shouts as I turn to see a man I don’t recognize.
“She can speak for herself. Can’t you, baby?" the man responds. His eyes are trained on my boobs, so I'm not sure if he's talking to me or to them specifically. Right now, I’m gonna say my boobs.
“I’m dancing with my sister.” I step forward, away from him. I catch Garrett out of the corner of my eye watching, but his expression has changed. I swear he might be fighting a laugh. What’s so funny all of a sudden?
“And now you’re dancing with me.” He briefly grasps my hips once more before abruptly pulling away. My mouth falls open when he flies backwards a few feet before hitting the floor, his body colliding with a table, making it fall over. The drinks that were on it fall to the floor, glass shattering and soaking him in whatever was in them.
“Ace,” I whisper when I see him standing over the man. My brain has finally caught up and realized that it was him that grabbed the man. He is so zoned in that he doesn’t hear me call his name. Or if he did, he doesn’t respond because he’s going for the guy. His brother steps in front of Ace.
“Take a breather.”
“I want him out now,” Ace orders harshly, making everyone grow quiet.
“Joe is already on it.” Garrett isn’t wrong. Joe is pulling the man up by his shirt.
“Okay, she’s pretty badass too,” Winter says, coming to stand next to me. I nod my head in agreement. Everyone is watching as the music cuts off.
Ace turns around to face me. My breath catches. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the look that he’s currently wearing. His jaw is tight, and he looks as though he’s one second away from losing his shit. I know this isn’t the time, but he also looks so damn hot. He is as handsome as I remember. He’s in jeans and a black shirt. His hair is wet, like he just got out of the shower. But I can tell he’s tired.
"Hi,” I say. He shakes his head. I swallow, wondering if I did something wrong.
“Hi?” he responds. “That’s all I get?”
“I ah—” I know everyone is watching us. Ace did tell me this is a small town, so I’m sure everyone knows everyone. I can feel everyone’s eyes on us, so I’m not sure how I should respond.
“I'm tired, Libby. I really fucking am. I can’t do it anymore.” My heart sinks. Is he saying that he doesn’t want to be around me?
“I get it,” I whisper. My heart is breaking into a million little pieces.
"No, you don’t.” In three long strides, he’s in front of me.
“Ace.” I gasp when he lifts me off my feet and tosses me over his shoulder. What the heck?
I hear people hooting and hollering before Joe shouts over them, “Show’s over! Music back on!”
Those are the last words I hear as Ace carries me to the back of the bar. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I don’t do anything to stop it, either.
Isnapped... and I don't give a fuck.
Could anyone really blame me? He touched her. That fucker put his hand on her. Onmy girl. My sweet innocent Libby. Who I haven’t even gotten to touch in days. I should have broken his fingers. Gouged his eyes out for the way he was looking at her.
If it weren't for my brother, I would have. I don't think he expected my reaction to be so strong. I could see the surprise on his face, but he knew he was going to get one. That's why he stood there, his gaze shifting from me to the man who had been closing in on Libby.
The past few days without her have been unbearable. The only relief I've experienced is the destruction of Heaven's Temple. Well, it isn’t ash, but the people running it that had been there at the time the raid went down are all in jail cells now. It would have been nice to burn the place to the ground, and maybe in due time, but right now there are still women and children there. Hopefully with some help, they will be able to get on track to live normal lives.
While the National Guard was en route to bring more supplies and provide everyone with the necessary help, it was best to let most of them stay for the time being. They already had homes there, which would facilitate a smoother transition. At least that's what the professional says.
All I’ve been thinking about since I walked out of there an hour ago was getting back here to shower and go see Libby. I can’t stay another day being away from her. I need to touch her. To beg her to come back. My life has been shit since she’s been gone. I haven’t gotten a wink of fucking sleep, either. She’s the only thing I can think about.
This small slip of a girl has ruined me, and I don’t care. I have no regrets. I’d willingly let her ruin me over and over again. She embodies a sweet innocence in a world filled with darkness, and I desperately need that light. I didn't know how badly until it was gone. I can’t live without her.