“Anything else you need?”
“My sister.”
“We’ve got her.” I want to ask whoweis. Heck, I want to ask a million questions, but this isn’t the time. “She’s your mother?” I nod my head. “Does she stay or go?”
“Stay,” I say without a thought.
“Figured. She’s been a bitch.” My mother's mouth falls open. I cover mine so as to not laugh out loud. I have to admit that it’s nice to see her get a taste of her own damn medicine.
She wasn't averse to occasional slaps to the cheek. I don't know why, but she has always shown more disdain for me than she did for Winter. Sure, she was mean to us both, but with me, it was another level. I never understood why.
“Let’s go.” Those two words are the sweetest I’ve ever heard.
“You can’t take her.” My mother grabs my elbow as I walk by. Her fingers dig into me, making me wince.
“You don’t dictate what she can and cannot do.”
“She’s a young girl. My daughter.”
“I have a feeling you were no mother to her.” He steps closer to her. I swear I can feel his anger radiating off him. Is it on my behalf? Only Winter ever cared what happened to me. “Now let her go before I physically make you.” Not only does she release my elbow, but she steps back.
“Come on, darling.” His hand, no longer gripping the gun, moves to my back, guiding me out of the bedroom. He closes it behind us, flipping the lock before he pulls out a metal piece, slipping it into the lock and turning it. It snaps off inside, so no key can be used to open it back up. They’ll have to break the door down.
“Why'd you do that?”
“To give us time. With the window being nailed shut, she’s trapped.”
“How did you know that?”
“I tried it first.” He tried to come in my window. “Questions later. We need to get out of here.”
I nod in agreement. I would go anywhere with him.
Rage courses through my body. I try to keep it in check, not wanting to scare Libby. I hadn’t realized from a distance how tiny she was. I might be three times her size. I’ll have to be careful with how I handle her.
It wasn’t too difficult to find her. Winter's map was quite detailed. I think she wanted to make it as easy as possible to find her sister. Even if that hadn't been the goal my brother and I had set for today. I was supposed to inspect the area and assess the situation. That wasn’t fucking happening. Once I knew it was her that was here, there was no way in hell I could let her stay for another second.
I have to slow my pace so that Libby can keep up with me. There is no fucking way she is going to be able to make this trek through the snow. Not only are her shoes and clothes useless, but the snow has piled up. It would be almost impossible for her to walk in it.
I could carry her, but I need to be able to have my gun available if needed. So far, I have managed to not use it. Not that I haven’t come across a few of the men roaming around on the Heaven’s Temple compound. I easily took them down without making a sound and bound them. They better pray to their prophets they’re found before they freeze to death.
Tick-tock, you sick motherfuckers. I couldn’t care less what happens to those vile humans.
When we’re almost to the front door, I pause, putting my arm out to stop her. I step to the side and guide her back behind me. The door opens, hiding us from view.
“Martha!” a man shouts. The cold air rushes into the house before he closes the door. Martha shouts a muffled response back as the man sees me. His eyes widen, but that’s all he can do before I drive my fist into his kidney. That is for the busted lip my girl has. I’m sure he’s the one that gave it to her.
Nothing is more painful than a punch to the fucking kidney, except perhaps a punch to your nuts. He lets out a silent scream and doubles forward, making it easy for me to knee him right in the face. The piece of shit crumbles to the floor where he belongs. If I had more time, I’d shackle this asshole to a chair and take my time making him slowly pay for laying his hands on my girl.
Yes, I know who he is. Our contacts gave us a list of the higher-ups here at Heaven’s Temple, and he was one of them. I swiftly remove the zip ties from one of my pockets and bind him. I glance over to Libby, sensing that shock might be taking over. Her delicate hand is covering her mouth. Blood pours from her father’s nose.
“He had it coming,” I mutter, not wanting her to feel sympathy for him. Worse, I don't want her to think I'm a monster. I am still basking in the high of her remembering me. I wasn’t sure she would. But I’ll never forget the rush of relief I had when I found her. I’d cased the house before I got closer. Knowing which room was hers, I’d peeked in the window. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed. The tension I’d had inside of me since I realized I’d found her eased up. Not all the way, but some.
It also gives me a rush of adrenaline to finish this. I’m not leaving here without her.