Page 25 of Claim Me Forever

I'm the one that should be watching over her now. Libby is mine. I hate that someone else would be. It’s going to drive me insane. I don't have any choice at the moment. Not if I want to make sure Libby has that person. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to Winter for keeping my girl safe. I know I sound the opposite, but I want to be her protector now. The one she looks to for strength.

“And the father?” Garrett asks.

“The father? As in their dad?” I glance toward the door to make sure no one is there. I don’t want Libby or Winter to hear the disturbing hunch I have in regard to their dad. “Think he’s got an infatuation with her.”

Garrett’s brows lift. “That’s fucked.”

“You’re telling me. The way he looked at her.” I grit my teeth.

“All right, cool it.” Garrett flicks a glance to the door. I inhale deeply, gathering my thoughts. “Now what?”

“I don’t know. I’m guessing you’re here to take her.”

“Hey.” Garrett puts his hands up to show he’s not trying to start a fight over this. “Even if she does go with us today, she’s not far, Ace. Not like she’s disappearing. My Snow is staying put, so Libby will stay put.”

“I know.” That doesn’t make it any easier.

“Hey, boss,” Joe pops her head inside my office. “Mitch got it fixed.”

“Thanks.” One less thing I have to worry about. Not that I really care at the moment. If Libby were to stay with me, I wouldn't care if this place burned down.

"Does anyone want to tell me about the two pretty blondes?" A smirk plays on her lips.


“Off-limits.” My brother and I speak at the same time, which makes Joe laugh.

“I wouldn’t go stealing your girls. I’m just shocked y’all are finally getting one. This town is gonna be pissed.” Joe rubs her hands together excitedly.

"Get to work," I order.

"So we're opening tonight? I'm already getting calls."

"Sure, but I might not be around."

"Cool deal." Joe gives us a wave before she leaves my office.

The silence falls between my brother and me. "I won't force her to stay," I say, even though that’s exactly what every fiber of my being is demanding that I do.

"But you want to." It's not a question. Garrett is starting to get it.

"If she asks to stay, though..."

"That's fair," he agrees.

"Still need to deal with Heaven's Temple." I can’t wait to get my hands on them again.

The stories that gradually emerged from Libby over the past week left me feeling more enraged than ever. They will all pay. It’s their turn to know what it’s like to be caged and under someone else's control.

"I know. Snow put in a statement letting the higher-ups know that there are others inside that want out. That she had to sneak out to get away."

"That will definitely set the process in motion." I wonder how fast. I want to be a part of it. "It's the only way. As much as I'd enjoy the fuck out of this being a private mission, there is going to be a need for support for the members that want freedom."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"I'm going to—" I stop talking when I hear the light sounds of footsteps headed our way. I stand when Libby comes into view.

She no longer has my shirt on. She is now wearing a pair of jeans that fit her snuggly, paired with a pink fuzzy sweater that covers the mark I left on her.