Page 21 of Claim Me Forever

He grabs the phone, flipping the camera on. He points it at us. A smirk pulls at his lips. He turns his head and kisses me as I hear him snap a picture.



It kills me to do it, but I slowly work my way out of Libby’s hold. After I’d gotten her to come again for me, we ate, watched a movie, and she crashed on me again. My watch has alerted me several times that I need to check some messages. I’d rather do it while Libby is sleeping so I don’t have to worry about it while she’s awake. Then I can have all my attention on her.

I place a kiss on her head before I go back into the safe room. I mutter a curse when I see Joe’s Jeep out back and the alerts on my phone. Joe has a key to get into the bar, but I’d engaged the more secure locks. I never had to use them before, but I wasn’t taking any chance with Libby’s safety. I turn them off and send a text back indicating that it's safe for her to enter.

This only makes it that much clearer that time really is up. I click through a few of my feeds and see people outside moving about the small town. The hell am I going to do? I worry that if I ask Libby to stay, she might do it out of obligation. I know how badly she misses her sister.

Swiping out of the feeds, I check my secure messages to see if there are any new updates on Heaven’s Temple. What they didn’t do was alert the police to anything that had happened. I’m sure they are freaking out that one of their prophets is missing. Unfortunately, that’s what he’ll be forever unless he somehow resurrects himself from the dead. I doubt it, considering if there is a hell, that asshole went straight to it. The cleanup crew made sure he’d never return. I’m sure Joseph and whoever he had with him that went after Winter onto my brother's land are mere ash by now.

That doesn’t mean that others might not try to come for Libby. I’d seen the look in Libby’s father's eyes. It made my throat burn and my stomach turn. I wouldn't be shocked if he was pleased about what he’d done to his own daughter's leg. It gave him a reason to keep her locked down under his roof. I won’t rest until I know the man is dead or in a cage. Whoever manages to capture him first will determine the outcome, as I know exactly what I'll do if it's me.

An alert is activated on the staircase leading up to my place from the bar. I see Joe coming up the stairs for some reason. I notice that there are a few more texts, each asking if I'm okay. Before I have a chance to respond, she knocks on my door.

“Shit.” I rush out, not wanting to wake Libby. I open the door right before Joe can knock again.

“You okay?” Joe inquires when I open the door.

“Yeah, just handling stuff.”

“Oh, did you go away or have you been here the whole time? I haven’t been able to reach you for shit.”

“I’ve been here.” Joe calls it going away whenever I dip out for a mission. I don't share details with anyone except my brother. The people that work for me have no clue what I’m up to, but it’s not anyone’s business. I like Joe, but she is still an employee. She holds down the bar better than I can.

I tense when I hear soft footsteps behind me. “Ace?” Libby calls out to me. Joe’s brows lift in surprise. I’m sure this is the last thing she expected.

“You got a girl in there?” I can tell Joe wants to push inside, but I don’t let anyone up here.

“I’m just talking to Joe. She manages the bar downstairs,” I tell Libby. Her hair is disheveled, and my shirt slips down her shoulder. My mark is clear as day on her. She appears thoroughly ravished right now.

“Can I meet this girl?” Joe asks. I glare at her. She holds her hands up but laughs. Libby approaches, and I realize there's no way I can avoid introducing them. I step back to make room for Libby. I want to grab her and pull her back to me, but I’m doing my best to control myself. This really is like a first test for me. This is the first time that the outside world is intruding into our world.

"Libby, this is Joe. Joe, this is Libby.” Joe hops on her heels, extending her hand toward Libby.

“Hi,” Libby says shyly, taking it.

“Hey.” Joe winks at her. “Sorry, I didn’t know Ace had someone up here or I would have stayed downstairs.” Joe glances over her shoulder at me. “But there is an issue downstairs with one of the coolers that is beyond my expertise.”

“All right,” I grunt, annoyed. “I’ll be down in a minute.” This is exactly why I wanted it to keep snowing. I’m not ready to get back to reality. I want to stay with Libby in this little bubble we’ve created.

“Nice meeting you.” Joe adds before heading back down the stairs. I shut and lock the door behind her.

“You don’t have a shirt on,” Libby points out, taking a step back. She’s wringing her fingers together in front of herself.

Damn, is being around people going to be hard for her? The noise from the bar can get loud at times. I want to avoid overpowering her with the commotion. I’m kicking myself again for having never gotten a real place of my own before, but this has always been convenient.

“I’ll get dressed before I head down.” My eyes roam over Libby. The shirt almost reaches her knees, but still, I don't want anyone to see her like this. At least Joe got the message Libby is mine. At least it would appear that way.

People tease that I'm a smooth talker, but Joe is the one who garners the most attention from the ladies. She is a heartbreaker, and I don’t want her getting any ideas with my Libby.

“You’re leaving?”

“Only to check on whatever is going on with the cooler. It shouldn’t take me long.” I pull Libby to me. “I’m not leaving.” I wonder if she is worried about being alone. “I’ll only be downstairs.” She nods against my chest. I kiss the top of her head. “I bet some of the clothes I ordered for you will come today.”

If I had to guess, I’d say the post office is loaded up with packages that need to be delivered. “Okay.” Libby steps back again.