Page 19 of Claim Me Forever

“Yeah, because I worked you up and got you needy for it. I knew what I was doing when I sat you on my dick.”

Pink blooms in her cheeks. It’s the same flush but a few shades lighter than when she comes. I’ll never forget the sounds or her expression as she came undone for me. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life.

Why were those dumbasses over at Heaven’s Temple worshiping false prophets when Libby was right there? I’d worship the fuck out of her all day, every day.

“I still liked it.” She shrugs one of her delicate shoulders, causing my shirt to slip off the side. It’s then I spot the mark on her.

I did that. “I marked you. Shit, I’m sorry.” It’s a fucking lie. I’m not sorry. I should be. I’m a bastard for not being, but that doesn’t change the truth.



Ace can be hard to read at times. Right now, for example. I’m not sure if he’s horrified or proud of whatever he is talking about. It’s not that out there for me to not get it. I'm learning a lot of new things. Especially when it comes to men.

“Marked? What does that mean?” It must be slang. I'm noticing that many words lose their intended meaning when used in different contexts, but this fancy phone is helping me catch up. The world is a whole lot bigger and different than I ever understood. It’s scary and exciting all at once.

There are times, like this one, when I'm utterly confused. That can be frustrating, especially when it comes to Ace.

“I put a hickey on you.” He fixes his gaze on my neck. Ace runs his tongue along his teeth.

“What’s a hickey?”

“Fuck me.” He drops his head back to stare at the ceiling.

“Sorry, I don’t know.” I drop back down onto my butt. This isn’t how I thought this conversation would go. I actually didn’t know how it would go at all.

“I’m pissed at myself, not you, Libby." His head falls back forward. “Never you.”

“You could have fooled me.”

My heart broke a little when he ran off to the bathroom. I’d had one of, if not, the best moments of my life, and he had to get away from me as quickly as possible. I freaked out and called my sister.

I didn't tell her what happened. Only said I was teared up because I missed her. I wanted to see her face. I thought it would help, but then I felt bad because I didn’t want to talk to her about what happened with Ace. Because honestly, I didn't know what happened.

"Can I touch you, Libby? I really need to fucking touch you for a second."

"Yes," I say without hesitation. I want him to touch me forever. Not for only a second. Ace slips back onto the bed, pulling me into his arms.

"I'm trying to be good with you. There is so much for you to learn."

"You're the best with me." I try to make him understand that.

"You won't say that when you see your neck."

"What?" I touch my neck, not sure what he's talking about.

"Here." He snags my phone on the bed, turning the camera on, he flips it so it shows the two of us. Without thinking, I reach up and press the button that will snap the picture. "Trying to show you the mark, babe."

"Oh." I see the small purple thing. I lean forward to get a better look. It doesn't hurt. "Is that a hickey?"


"Your mouth did that?" I laugh.

"Yeah," he says again.

It's kinda silly, but it makes the tingling sensation come to life inside of me. I run my finger along it. I'm not sure he'd be okay with me saying I like it. He's upset that he left it there.