Still, I can’t stop myself from moving closer to her. I sit on the bed near her. Tentatively, I place my hand on her calf. This time she doesn’t jump when I touch her, which doesn’t go unnoticed by me. Her watery eyes meet mine, and she gives me a soft smile, so I stroke back and forth with my thumb.
Libby starts to calm down. Their conversation slows too. It's only when she begins to relax that I realize how tense I have been watching her get worked up.
“Is that him?” Libby asks. I lean forward so I can see the screen from a side angle. There is no missing Garrett hovering, not far behind Winter. I’m sure I look exactly the same on this end.
“Yes, this is Garrett. Garrett, this is my sister, Libby.” She introduces them. Libby gives him a little adorable wave. “He killed Joseph.” Winter says it so nonchalantly.
“What?!” Libby almost drops the phone. I clench my jaw when Winter gives Libby the details. I’m not a fan of her hearing them all, but it sounds as though my brother had some fun with Joseph.
“And now what?” Libby asks, chewing on her bottom lip. “Will he be in trouble?”
“No,” Garrett and I both respond in unison. It’s not as though they can throw us in jail. This was nothing compared to what we did for the government, and they came onto Garrett's land armed. Even without the government sending in a cleaning crew, Garrett wouldn’t have faced any charges. It’s technically self-defense. But we all know Garrett was going to kill those fuckers one way or another.
Sure, he’ll get an ass chewing. Not that he cares. We’re supposed to try and keep a low profile. We were ghosts even when we worked for them. You would never see our names on missions or anywhere else that was public.
When Libby’s stomach lets out a small growl, I tell them maybe we should call back later. Garrett agrees, saying cleanup will be there soon. I guess the snow wasn’t going to stop them either. They might prefer it.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Libby tells her sister before they say goodbye. Those three words sound so sweet on her lips. Just like the rest of her. Hopefully it won't be long until she’s saying them to me.
“Thanks for letting me talk to her.” Libby tucks a piece of her hair behind her ears. I still have my hand on her ankle.
“You can talk to your sister anytime. In fact, I’ll order you a phone.”
“You’ll get me a phone? Like one of my own?”
“Actually, I have a few extras. I’ll just need to set up a line.”
"Oh gosh!" she exclaims, her excitement mixed with uncertainty. “That’s a lot for you to do for me.”
“Babe, it’s a phone. I got it. Don’t worry about it.”
“You make everything so easy.” She leans forward and brushes her mouth against my cheek. Fuck do I want to turn my head and kiss her. “What if I make us something to eat?”
“You don’t have to.”
“Please?” She steps back, allowing me to see her pleading expression. I can't resist giving her what she wants. Those eyes of hers are unmatched by any weapon I have ever come up against before. This blue-eyed girl could take me down like no other.
I want to ask if her leg is up for it, but I don’t think she’d much like that question right now. I'll just keep an eye out. Then see about giving her another rubdown.
“The kitchen is all yours.”
“Yay!” Libby claps before moving to the side of the bed to get up. I have to release my hold on her ankle. I watch her to make sure she doesn’t almost fall, but she’s got it. “I’m going to—” She points to the bathroom. I nod. “Then I’ll start.”
When she disappears into the bathroom, I stand up, adjust my cock, and then return to the safe room to find a spare phone and establish a secure line. When I step back out, Libby is already in the kitchen.
“She looked so happy, didn’t she?” Libby asks while she rummages through my pantry. I stocked up before the storm, but I have no clue if it’s what she needs. I’m not the worst cook but not the best either. I can throw a steak on the stove or whatnot. Mom taught us the basics. But I’m not some gourmet chef.
“Yeah, they seem happy.” My brother is smitten, and I'm pretty sure he's in love. If I weren't experiencing the same thing over here, I would think my brother had lost his mind. What’s the likelihood that twin brothers fall for sisters? Especially ones that needed saving. Also near a town my brother wanted to move to because our mom brought us here when we were younger. That word fate comes back to mind.
“I think we’ve got everything we need for biscuits and gravy.” Libby does a cute little wiggle. Her whole mood is lighter. A bit of sleep and talking to her sister did her some good. She’s more relaxed now.
"Are you sure you don't want me to cook?" I ask, unable to help myself.
This will give her an out if it hurts now that she is really up and moving around. The last thing I want her to be is in pain because she had to prepare a meal for us. I think the massage and the light stretching helped, but still, if she is in pain, I want her to sit.
“I love cooking,” Libby tells me again. “You said I could use the kitchen.”