Page 10 of Contention

Judge Canry turns his gaze to the defense. “This is a curious point made by Miss…”

“Hayes, Sir,” Derrick says for her, possibly seeing the glazed look in her eyes during Kara’s internal panic.

The older man nods sagely, “Miss Hayes has made a curious point. If a history of abuse can be proven here, theDark Mirageand its owner may be on the hook for abetting far worse crimes. NDA’s and strange sums of money do not bode well, Mr. Brooker.”

Paxton Brooker, the owner of theDark Miragepales substantially, quickly turning to whisper in Trouble’s ear. In that moment, the named partner of the rival firm turns to stare at Kara, his eyes burning a hole into her face.

He may not have looked at Kara this entire day, but now he’s looking at her with laser beam intensity in his tropical blue eyes, anger written on his brow. However, something flickers there as he stares her down, anger melting away and being replaced with…something…something Kara can’t read.

Like he can’t quite figure something out. Like someone trying to remember a word at the tip of their tongue.

Kara gestures with her left hand vaguely, raising both her eyebrows at him in a ‘what the hell are you looking at, asshole’ expression. He stares at her for a moment longer, tongue in his cheek before he gives her a mocking smirk.

He stands up abruptly. “May I request a recess, your Honor? We weren’t expecting these…other articles to be mentioned.” Trouble has a stiff expression on his face, despite the fake grin plastered on his lips.

Derrick makes a sound under his breath in response to the Judge granting the recess. “What’s wrong?” Kara asks him, confused.

Leaning closer to her, Derrick mutters, “I sense they are going to split their counsel. Paxton Brooker is going to want to throw his employee under the bus. If they stick together, they both are going down and Calais knows it.”

“Is he abandoning Max Dotaire, then?”

Derrick shakes his head and stands as the Judge dismisses everyone for the day. “No. He will move himself to representing TheDark Mirageand Paxton Brooker only. Calais will give Dotaire the option to continue using a senior member of his firm or a team of associates.”

Kara quickly helps him gather up all of their documentation, making sure it’s neat and orderly before placing them back in the folders. Derrick pauses and smiles at her, “Good job speaking up. You rattled that bastard a bit and crashed his plan, clearly.”

Flushing, Kara feels her stomach heat at the praise once more.

“I’ll see you back at the office,” Bob says to them, escorting Debra out the front of the courthouse.

Derrick turns back to Kara and says seriously, “If we have possible NDA’s in play, we need to get those people to talk. Somehow. Our game plan is going to have to be able to fight on two fronts now. There is a likelihood that we will only be able to take Dotaire down on the rape, that theDark Miragemay get off with a slap on the wrist. We don’t want that.”

Makes sense to Kara. She opens her mouth to ask him how he wants to proceed when they are interrupted.

“Benson,” a sly voice utters. “I called you last night; you never called back. That was exceptionally rude of you.”

Leaning against one of the pillars of stone stands their opposing counsel, Nicholas Havenwood-Calais; named partner of the Calais, Vickers, and Yates law firm. He’s smirking, though his eyes are icy as he stares down Derrick with a certain intensity that Kara does not envy.

The air seems to crackle around Derrick as his grip on his briefcase tightens. “Oh, was that you? My apologies. I’m not used to my opponents calling me the night before opening day, handing in their surrender early.”

Calais’s lips twitch, eyes narrowing subtly. “Your mistake. I was simply giving you a courtesy call that your client has no ground to stand on. Friends tell friends when they are defending a lost cause, right?”

“’Friends’ is a strong word to throw around in reference to you and I, isn’t it?” Derrick drawls with a hint of unpleasantness.

Examining his watch, Calais hums absently. “I suppose. I prefer friends that have a sense of ambition. You’ve been on the downswing lately. I heard about Gale leaving, by the way. Going to have to take ‘Clarke’ off theBenson & Clarkeplacard, aren’t you?Ouch.”

Kara’s eyes go wide. Gale Clarke is leaving the firm? Their other named partner?

With gritted teeth, Derrick replies, “That isn’t public knowledge, Nicholas. I’d thank you to keep your mouth shut for a few days.”

“Hn. Well, I want to talk to you about those NDA’s that you brought up…”

Derrick looks aghast, eyes flashing. “Oh, no. This isn’t quid pro quo!”

A flash of a wicked grin, tropical blue eyes taunting. Derrick’s face darkens as he rises to the bait…

“Derrick,” Kara interrupts, “Don’t waste your time. He knows his clients are guilty and we’re going to bury them all once someone talks. He’sscared.”

Those bright eyes shift over to her, as if just noticing her presence. When his gaze settles on her own, Kara swears that the air dies in her lungs, but only a tiny bit. He’s looking at her, like he’s suddenly found the answer to the puzzle that he originally couldn’t solve.