Page 52 of Contention

Stiffening, Kara sits up from him in a fluid motion, brushing her hair out of her face as she does so, avoiding his gaze. With little elegance, she gets to her feet and takes a few steps away from him, absently picking up her upended chair, dusting it off with great interest.

Alright, so that just happened. Wonderful. How do I act like it didn’t? Get out of here before you do something worse. Ah, my legs are shaky, fabulous.

She can feel him watching her. Calais’s cheeks are flushed, but his eyes staring at her with a strange sort of cold calculation. His tone is hoarse as he asks her, “Was that fun?”

His cock is hard, Kara can easily see the outline of it in his sweats now. There’s a wet spot above it; from her or from him, it doesn’t matter. Suddenly, she’s nervous, because what is she supposed to do now? He’s still aroused, he got her off and she…she feels like running. This moved far too quickly and with a man that Kara has no business being near in this manner. Trying to shrug off her anxiety, she says, “Oh…it was something.” With another glance at him, her confidence is fast deflating. “I…ah…I should go. Get out of your hair and all. I didn’t mean…for…that was a stupid mistake.” She flushes.

There’s a crooked smile on his lips now, one she hasn’t quite seen before. His neck is flushed with arousal and his eyes are all consuming, predatory. “Oh.” He shakes his head and breathes out a cruel little laugh. “Is thatreallyhow you think this is going to go?”

An alarm bell goes off in Kara’s head and she takes a step backwards. She’s teased him and riled him up…Kara already has a sinking feeling about it as she starts to back up more, struggling to think of what to say. “…Yes…?”

Fast, like a cobra, he stands and whirls her around, pinning her down on the table face first, one hand on her neck, the other gripping her waist in a bruising fashion. “Careful,” he sneers, “You think you know what you’re playing with, but you don’t.”

Shrieking, Kara tries to push herself up off of the table, but she’s pinned like a bug. For a few seconds she struggles angrily, trying to elbow him, but to no avail. Kara even kicks out with her feet, but he’s too close for her strikes to cause any damage. He waits as she exerts her strength, watches as she tires herself trying to get out of his domineering grasp.

Oh, crap. Girl, this is what hereallylikes.

Huffing, her face against the table uncomfortably, Kara goes limp. “Let me up. I’m serious. I don’t like this. It was stupid of me to tease you, I see that. Come on! You’re always saying I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed!”

None of it moves him.

He presses up behind her, the heat of his body a terrifying blanket. Kara is effectively cage, restrained, there’s no escape unless he wills it. A sliver of fear grows in her belly. He may not have harmed her last night, but now she’s in his domain and she willfully poked the bear.

Kara, you let yourself get run around by your thirst on this one, with very little intention of following through. Stupid, stupid girl. Not with a man with tastes like this.

He presses down harder on her and now Kara whines in pain. Her cheek is digging into the hard surface of the table and her breasts are pressed against it as well.

“Did you really think you could play your games with me, Kara?” His voice is rough, unpleasant on the ears. “I’m not one of your little boyfriends. I’m not interested in playing nice. I’m not interested in chocolate and flowers. I’m not interested in commitment or pretty words. I’m especiallynot interestedin girls who play with my cock and don’t intend to finish what they start. Want to know what Iaminterested in?”

Kara grits her teeth, refusing to answer, livid, fire in her eyes. She clenches her fingers into the edges of the hard table, wishing she could snap it in half. If she clenches any harder, she might snap a few of her nails as she digs them into the stone, imagining blood.

“Go ahead,” he goads mockingly, “Ask me.”

His hand tightens on her neck and Kara snarls, “What do you want, motherfucker?”

Calais lightens his grip on her slightly, gentling his hold as he leans closer to her. His free hand strokes her thigh and his nose is suddenly in the nape of her neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne covering her, as if the smell of him on her is a special thrill.

His lips tickle her skin as he speaks. “As fun as it is to watch you writhe on my lap like a bitch in heat, I’d rather fuck you until you cry,” he says crudely, so crudely that Kara shivers in his grasp. She’s never heard something like that fall from his lips. “And even then, I’m not going to stop. You’ll cum on my cock so many times that you’ll be begging for me to let up.”

“And you may think you’re experienced, but you’re not,” he rasps, that low tone that makes sick arousal coil in Kara’s belly, against all odds. “You’re young and I can feel that your sweet little cunt is tight.” His fingers are in her again and Kara gasps, shaking. He lifts her hips a bit,from the insideand she tries to get away, but he simply won’t budge. “Clearly, no one has broken you in yet. But, I would.”

He’s practically feeling her tailbone from the inside out. Kara can’t breathe, a rough whine slipping through her teeth.

“Then, I’d hold you down and fuck your throat until you choke.” His teeth are on the shell of her ear. “I’d call you a thousand awful things. And, I’ll like it when you do the same to me. You’ve got a filthy mouth that you never turn off, I’m sure you’ll come up with some terrible things to scream at me.”

He stops the hooking motion with his fingers from behind, instead, shifting his grip so he can make a gentle ‘come hither’ motion in the front of her core instead. The shift allows Kara to breathe again, shakily.

“Christ,” he mutters under his breath, “You’re so wet from this. You’re practically ready to be fucked. Right here, on my deck. On my table.”

The soft pad of his finger is stroking repeatedly against the front wall of her channel, against the hidden spot that some guys occasionally found and glanced over in the past. He rubs it with intent, like he knows exactly what it is, how it feels. Kara’s legs wobble and the sharp sting of unwanted pleasure rises, along with a strange feeling of needing to urinate. She sobs at the sensation.

“I’d let you fight me as hard as you want. You can hit, bite, scream. I’d encourage it with relish.” Another firm stroke of his fingers, tension building madly.

He’s so precise, patient, he’s going to drive Kara to the brink of insanity.

“St..stop,” she says suddenly, panicking. The feeling isn’t familiar, the practiced, precise movements of his fingers against that very spot. He needs to let up; it’s overwhelming. His words pour sick desire into her belly, against all reason.

He ignores her completely, continuing to sneer his filth in her ear. “I can teach you a lot about pleasing a man. I can teach you things about your body that would embarrass even you.” His teeth graze her neck and Kara shivers as he groans lowly. “I bet you’d be the tightest little piece I’ve ever had. And when I’m done, when you can barely walk, I’ll send you home, and we’ll both go back to work like it never happened. You’ll still feel me between your legs for days and then you’ll know why smart girls don’t play with fire.”