I lower my gun, my jaw clenched so tight I can hear my teeth grinding. "Frankie," I say, my voice low and controlled, though every fiber of my being wants to scream. "Find another chair. Now."

Frankie stumbles to his feet, sweat beading on his forehead. "Y-yes, boss. Of course. I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"

"Just. Go." I cut him off, my patience hanging by a thread.

As Frankie scurries away, I sink back into my seat, my mind whirling. Something is deeply wrong here, but I can't put my finger on what. I glance at Genoveva, her presence beside me as real as ever, yet the others... they act as if...

No. It's impossible. I shake the thought away, focusing instead on maintaining my composure. They’re rattled, pretending they knew she had never died. They’re playing games, acting more nonchalant than they should, so I don’t consider them a threat. That’s probably what’s happening around here.

"Now," I say, forcing a smile that doesn't reach my eyes, "Shall we bring out the first course?"

Chapter 28


The numbers blur before my eyes as I pore over the ledgers. My head throbs, a dull ache that's been my constant companion all morning after the party last night.

I lose focus when the door bursts open. Marco and Luigi stumble in, grins splitting their faces.

"Boss! We found him!" Marco pants, his chest heaving.

My pen clatters to the desk. There’s only onehimthey could be talking about with such enthusiasm. "Greco?"

Luigi nods, his eyes gleaming. "We got a solid lead on his hideout. It's an old warehouse on the outskirts of town. We put trackers on his wife and kids, and they led us right to them."

A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins, chasing away the fatigue. At last. After weeks of dead ends and false leads, we've finally cornered that bastard. I can almost taste the sweet nectar of revenge on my tongue.

"Well done, boys," I say, rising from my chair. My mind races, piecing together a plan. "Now, listen carefully. We need to move fast before he gets wind of this."

I stride to the map on the wall, my fingers tracing the streets leading to Greco's hideout. "Marco, I want you to take a team and approach from the east. There's an abandoned building there – perfect vantage point for our snipers."

Marco nods, his expression focused. "Got it, boss."

"Luigi, you'll lead the ground assault. But be careful – Greco's paranoid. He'll have traps set up." I pause, considering our options. "Use the sewers. They'll lead you right under the warehouse. Catch them off guard."

As I outline the rest of the plan, I feel a familiar calm settling over me. This is what I was born for – the thrill of the hunt. Greco thinks he's safe in his little fortress, but he's about to learn why they call me The Raven.

"Any questions?" I ask, my gaze boring into each of my men.

They shake their heads, determination etched on their faces.

"Good. We move in an hour. Make sure everyone's armed and ready." I turn back to my desk, reaching for my gun. "It's time we remind Greco why you don't fuck with the Montagna family."

I holster my gun and straighten my tie, impatient to get going. But before I join my men, there's one more thing I need to do.

"Genoveva," I call out, striding into our private quarters. She's there, a vision in deep burgundy, her hazel eyes locking onto mine instantly.

"Gianni," she says, her voice soft as chimes. "What's happening?"

I take her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "We've found Greco. I'm heading out with the men to deal with him."

Her fingers tighten around mine, her eyes narrowing slightly. I watch as understanding dawns on her face, her perceptiveness reading my intentions like an open book.

"You're going to kill him yourself," she states, not a question.

I nod, my jaw clenching. "He needs to pay for what he did to you."

Genoveva's free hand cups my cheek, her touch gentle but insistent. "Gianni, please. Let your men handle this. It's too dangerous for you to go."