Ryan accepts his guitar back from the kid, only this time I recognize Dixie as he lifts the strap over his head. It’s red with white snowflakes. Perfect for the occasion. I’m focused on thedesign when a voice I recognize begins singing from somewhere. It’s not possible. She doesn’t perform live much anymore.

Only tonight, she’s here.

Cora Vincent walks out of the shadows of backstage and waves to me as she joins Ryan at center stage. Together they begin the opening lyrics of the song I heard Ryan playing over the last few weeks. It’s a beautiful story of second chances and promises of a future. I feel the truth in every word, his passion and love expressed with the stroke of Dixie’s strings.

I’d forgotten Savannah Carter was holding my hand until she squeezes it and whispers in my ear, “Ryan is one of the good ones. Let him love you.”

My ability to speak is lost, so I give her a slight nod as the duo before us finishes out the song. Quickly, they jump into one much more festive and in line with the holiday season. When they are done, the crowd goes wild, Savannah closes out the show, and I accept Ryan’s embrace and kiss full of promises.

Chapter Twenty-Six


“Areyou sure you’re okay with this?”

Laney rolls her head to the side, a smile I’ll never tire of on her face. “Am I okay riding in this elite vehicle on a road trip with two of my favorite people and the promise of the best prime rib dinner of my life? Yeah, I’m good.”

The days since my surprise live performance have been a whirlwind. Meeting Laney’s uncle and promising him I would not be like some of the celebrities who hit the gossip rags with their antics. Like everyone else in Magnolia Grove, he became enamored with Pepper, and they became fast friends.

He passed on the invitation to join us for Christmas in Nashville. Our plan is to stay at my house until after New Year’s Day and then pick up the keys to the former rental that I purchased on the way back into town.

“Are you sure Katie’s parents are okay with me coming to dinner? I’m happy to hang out at your place while you all go.”

I lift my girlfriend’s hand to my lips and place a kiss to her knuckles. I love having her with me and being able to touch her when I want. Pepper has fought for her attention, talking freely with us both. She even spoke to Freddy when she realized he was family now.

“They’re excited to meet you. Katie and I were divorced a few years and there was never any animosity. Truth be told, their concern is that you’re okay being there. It’s important to us that we talk about Katie to keep her memory alive. To make sure Pepper knows it’s okay to talk about her.”

Laney looks to the back, making sure Pepper has her headphones on before turning back to me. “I know we’ve only been together a few weeks, but I want you to know—for them to know as well—I would never try to replace Katie. I love that little girl, but I know I’m not her mother. She has one and I want her to always feel free to talk about her mom.”

Our conversation switches to lighter topics as she continues to chastise me for bringing Cora to Magnolia Grove. As much as I want them to get to know one another, Cora wasn’t able to stay overnight and had to get back to Molly.

The trip goes much faster with someone in the passenger seat. A co-pilot. A partner. Laney tries her best to explain the science behind her edibles, but her vast knowledge is lost on me. When we park in my driveway, she unfastens her seatbelt quickly and jumps from the truck. I help Pepper out of her seat as Laney walks around the front of the house mumbling to herself.

She finally turns back to me and says, “You said you had a house.”

I tilt my head. “Uh, yeah. This is my house.”

“Ryan Miller this is not a house. A house is what you bought in Magnolia Grove or where I’ve lived my entire life. This,” she lifts her hand like she’s presenting a prize, “is aranch.You have a ranch, Ryan.”

“Nah. I don’t have any animals. Well, except the deer that show up from time to time. It’s just a house with some acreage.”

Laney follows me into the house and continues to mumble to herself as she moves from room to room. Pepper chatters away,telling her where everything goes. To her credit, Laney is patient even if she clearly wants to speed up the process.

I let the ladies of the house do their thing and busy myself bringing in the bags. When I have the last placed in the master bedroom, I turn to find Laney leaning on the doorframe.

“You okay?” I ask, my tone teasing.

She moves across the room, her shoes discarded somewhere else in the house making her look right at home. Her hands slide under my shirt, nails scraping against my skin.

“I’ve never been better. I took a quick walk outside. Do you have any idea how many greenhouses I could build out there?”

Cupping her face, I tilt her head back and place a soft kiss to her lips.

“Build whatever you want. As long as you are here, I don’t care. This is your home too.”

A tear slides down her cheek. “You mean that, don’t you?”

“I love you, Laney. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.”