“Now friends, I must confess something. Laney here had no idea we were coming.” Savannah wraps her arm around my shoulder and internally I’m bouncing up and down in excitement. Hopefully on the outside, I’m smiling. “This entire idea formed in the last few days and well, it’s a bit of a surprise. So, surprise, Laney.”

The crowd erupts in front of us, and I turn to see a different band on the stage. This time, instead of a basic set of drums in the middle of the setup there is a kit with a name I recognize embossed in gold. A man about Uncle Freddy’s age winks at me and taps his sticks together twice.

Walking out from the shadows are two people I have missed more than anything. Pepper is wearing a red dress, her curls peeking out from below a traditional Santa hat. She’s a sight for sore eyes but it’s her daddy who captures my full attention. Gone is the vacation casual look I’d grown accustomed to and in its place is country super star chic. A pair of perfectly fitted jeans and a crisp white shirt with a shiny belt buckle give away his status, but it’s the smile on his face that reminds me of home.

Savannah continues to entertain the crowd while Ryan leads Pepper in my direction. She releases his hand and rushes to me. I drop down to accept her as she jumps into my arms.

“I missed you, Pepper.”

“I missed you too. Where’s Steve?”

A laugh bubbles out of me as I wipe the tears from my eyes. “He’s at home.”

“I’ll be right back,” Ryan promises before joining Savannah at the microphone.

I stand, holding Pepper in my arms. My mind is swirling with all that is happening. Ryan is here. He came back. I glance out to the audience and see all of my friends lined up, huge smiles on their faces. Sneaky brats.

“Hi, everyone. I hope you don’t mind us crashing the party. A huge thanks to The Ramblers for performing tonight. As most of you know, my daughter and I came to Magnolia Grove a few weeks ago. We had a difficult year, and I wanted to give her an opportunity to experience a true holiday season. What I didn’t expect was for this town to feel so much like home. I’d like to say it is as perfect as the perfect cup of coffee from Jitterbug or the delicious Bagel Bin sandwiches that had us both feeling like we left a piece of us here when we left.

“Can Steve have a sleepover?” Pepper whispers in my ear.

I snicker and nod in affirmation. If things work out like I hope, maybe we’ll all be having a sleepover.

“Tonight, we’re live streaming from Magnolia Grove as my contribution to theCountry Christmas Liveprogram. I’m going to sing a few songs. Ladies, are you okay where you’re at?” Ryan asks me and Pepper.

“Yeah. We’re great.”

I stand, holding Pepper, singing along like the crowd as Ryan croons a few traditional holiday tunes. I’ve been to a few concerts over the years, but I have to say, being here in the wings is a different experience all together.

After finishing his own version ofLet it Snow, Ryan hands over his guitar to a young kid and motions me forward. I place Pepper on her feet, and we walk toward the microphone when the drummer who winked at me earlier scoops her up and tosses her over his head, causing her to giggle. When I pause, not sure if I should go with them, he points to Ryan.

When I’m close to the microphone, he reaches for me. I place my hand in his let him pull me close. Days of sadness and tension evaporate with this single touch.

“We’re at commercial for two minutes and I’ve cut the mic.”


“Laney, I never should have left. I didn’t want to leave. You. This town. I’ve not felt so much like myself as I did in the weeks with you. I don’t have all the answers to every question in that beautiful mind of yours, but I know we’ll figure it out together. If you’ll have me. Us.”

My mind is spinning at each of his words. I have so many questions, and while typically I need the answers before I can move forward, this time I don’t want to wait to figure them out. I want to take this leap of faith with Ryan. To discover the answers together.

“I know we’re running out of time but what are you asking me?”

Ryan looks to the side and nods, a clock showing thirty seconds is displayed on a stand.

“I love you, Langston Ann Whitfield. It’s fast and unexpected, but my feelings are real. I want to buy that house next door to your family home. I want us to build a life here in Magnolia Grove. More than anything I want to fall asleep with you in my arms each night and wake to your beautiful smile each morning.”

I’m crying for the second time tonight as I throw myself into his arms, my lips landing on his a little more aggressively than is respectful for television. Or in front of my family and friends.

“I love you too. Maybe we could split our time between here and Nashville? I don’t want Pepper to be far from her grandparents or Katie.”

“You are the best person I know, Laney. I have to perform a few more songs. Before I send you off to your seat, I need you to stand here with me and remember how you told me you love me.”

Ryan shifts us a step to the side to make room for Savannah to speak into the camera. She entertains the crowd with a few funny quips before switching places with Ryan. I’m dumbfounded this is all happening but also too happy to fully accept how public this all is.

“Thank you for sticking with us, friends. I have one more surprise for this evening. We’ll consider it an early Christmas present for the woman I love.”

It isn’t only my cheeks that flush with embarrassment, I can feel the heat on my neck and tiny beads of sweat pooling in my lower back.