How do I explain this accurately?
“Um, so more like a cowgirl climbing on a steer.”
My friends cackle and a part of me dies of embarrassment. It’s an accurate analogy to what went down last night. Not that anyone went down. Just the thought of that possibility makes my cheeks burn.
“Oh, she’s thinking of him.Her steer,”Honey teases.
“I hate you both.”
Liv smiles and pats my hand condescendingly. “You don’t either. You love us and we love you. But come on, Laney. Even you have to laugh at the visual.”
“Can we move on to the part where you remind me that going on a date with the man or having any more nights like last is a mistake.”
“No can do, my friend. You deserve someone like Ryan. I didn’t spend a ton of time with him but he’s a good guy. My duty as your friend includes some minor online stalking to which I found nothing nefarious. He’s a good one, Laney.”
I know what Honey says is true. Ryan is a good man. Kind, funny, slightly awkward, and patient, he is everything a woman could want. EverythingI’veever wanted. His good looks don’t hurt either. Nor does watching him with Pepper. I never knewbeing a single dad was its own level of sexiness. But we’re worlds apart. Not only in distance but where we are in our lives. Thank goodness Uncle Freddy isn’t home. He’d give me so much grief for not living in the moment. Seizing the day and what not.
“He is, that’s not even a question. If things were different, I could see myself spending more time with him. Both of them. But what’s the point? They’re here for a short time and...”
Olivia rests her hand atop mine and Honey follows suit then says, “And you’re scared.”
My heart sinks at the reality of her words. As much as I want to wave her off and tell her she’s wrong, I can’t.
“Terrified is more like it,” I admit. My words hitch, and I swallow down the emotions bubbling inside me.
“Some of the best moments in my life scared the shit out of me.”
All three of us jump in our seats and screech.
“Ms. Linda. For heaven’s sake. I told you not to sneak up on people!”
The eavesdropper rolls her eyes and sits down in the chair next to me. She places her handbag on her lap and lifts a hand to my back, rubbing small circles in comfort. My heart continues to beat out of my chest but with each stroke, I begin to calm. Her grandmotherly tendencies overshadow the ninja-like moves when she frightens me or each time she can’t help but stick her nose in my business.
“Laney, I know you don’t like to take too many risks. You’re definitely a creature of habit and live your life free of drama. Not that I think for one minute spending time with a handsome man would bring anything but joy to your life. But, sweet girl, you have to live your life and sometimes that means stepping outside your comfort zone.”
I sniffle, taking my napkin and dabbing at my eyes. It’s quiet at our table of four, her words likely hitting each of us in different ways.
As always, Honey breaks the tension. “Ms. Linda coming in clutch with the hard truths.”
I’m grateful for the break in conversation and the direction it was headed. While the girls catch up with Ms. Linda, I sit back, my eyes watching as I mindlessly fold the napkin in my hands. Lost in thought, my mind wanders to memories of my parents and grandparents. The dynamics of their respective relationships. Trying to distract myself from the ladies’ chatter, I mentally recap this week’s schedule for the Jubilee. I just worked through the details of Wednesday night’s opening of the mini skating rink when I sense three sets of eyes watching me.
“Sorry. Did you say something?”
Olivia opens her mouth and then closes it; a smirk appears on her face as a little hand rests on my leg.
“Well hello, Pepper. Fancy seeing you here.”
She doesn’t say anything, but her smile speaks volumes. Mostly that she’s been eating something with chocolate. Using the napkin I’ve now folded into the tiniest square, I wipe at her face. A hum from Olivia and Honey, again in unison, briefly pulls my attention, but it’s the man standing behind them who holds it. Ryan is again dressed in his vacation casual look of shorts and a perfectly fit T-shirt. The ballcap that’s become a safety net for him is on his head but because he is an evil, evil man, it is turned backward.
I’ve never given much thought to “my type.” Having grown up with the men in this town, I didn’t consider dating seriously until college. There, I still couldn’t pinpoint “my type.” Turns out it’s a good-looking bearded man, wearing a backward baseball cap. Memories of his lips on mine and the way he whispered in my ear send chills across my skin and heat my cheeks. Justhaving these thoughts has my belly flipping again. Okay, so maybe my type is Ryan Miller. My eyes lift to meet his, and like he can tell I’m having NSFW thoughts about him, he winks.
“So we’re going to take off. Well, I’m taking off. Olivia has to do some baking. Ms. Linda, did you want to walk out with me?”
“I’m good here, Honey.”
Pursing her lips, my friend isn’t having it and tugs on Ms. Linda’s elbow. “So much for subtlety. How about we let these three have some time alone?”
“You’re no fun Honey Beaumont Brewster.”