“I told Ryan the town will rally around him and Pepper like in the movie.”

Emma laughs. “You aren’t wrong. Now that you’ve mentioned it, I could stand for going home and queuing up the movie itself. Maybe we can get some ideas for Ryan.”

Mattie stands and wraps her in his arms. “You just want to watch a romantic movie.”

I stand, offering my hand to Mattie in thanks. Although I still can’t believe one of my favorite players has given up his afternoon and evening to hang out with me, I feel like he’s leaving here as a friend. We file into the house where the scent of lemons fills the air. Laney is in the kitchen, spraying counters and wiping them down. I look around for Pepper and spot her on the couch with Steve curled up in her lap, eyes fixated on the television.

“I hope it’s okay she’s watching a movie. I didn’t want to interrupt you guys, and she was yawning. Figured she could use a little relaxation.”

Her thoughtfulness shouldn’t surprise me, but I am still taken aback. I hadn’t realized how much I missed having someone help with something as simple as encouraging mydaughter to relax. Doing this without a partner has been challenging, but until this moment I didn’t realize how much.

“That’s great. Thank you for looking out for her.”

“And we’re outta here. Laney, thanks for dinner. Ryan, let’s get together again before you leave town. Maybe grab a beer at River’s Edge.”

Emma and Laney hug and then Mattie leads his other half out the door. Once the door closes, Laney turns around, her bottom lip tugged between her teeth. A loaded silence falls between us. The tension like an undercurrent of unspoken words. I should get Pepper home. It’s late and she’s probably exhausted. Only, I can’t seem to move.

“I was going to have another glass of wine. Would you like another beer?”

I guess I’m not the only one who feels the change between us.

“Sounds good.”

While Laney moves about the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of wine, I tiptoe closer to the couch and spy my little girl fast asleep with Steve in her arms. There’s the slightest grin on her lips and my heart expands with pure love. Watching her sleep has become something I do regularly. In her room, with only the soft glow from a nightlight casting shadows on the wall, I’m reminded what it’s all for. Pushing through the pain of the last year is for her. It’s always for her.

A sharp tingle across my skin from the touch of the cold bottle startles me and I turn to find Laney looking up at me. She nods her head toward the back door. With a final look at Pepper, I turn and follow her to the deck. Instead of sitting at the table where Mattie and I were, Laney taps the spot next to her on a gliding bench. She’s sitting with her legs tucked underneath her and resting her elbow on the back.

She’s relaxed.

And beautiful.

Chapter Twelve


I feelbrazen sitting here on my gran’s bench, holding a glass of wine and asking a man to sit next to me. Not just any man and not just any seat either. The spot my grandaddy sat in each night as they talked for hours. When I was younger, there was no appreciation for those moments. I didn’t see the significance of those shared moments but as I’ve become an adult, I know it’s something I want for myself. Not just romance and love but friendship with my partner. The ability to sit at the end of the day and share the highs and lows. Support one another in the smallest and largest parts of life.

I’m not saying Ryan is that person but there is a comfort in his presence I’m not used to. Once I got past him being grumpy and understanding where he was coming from, I have an appreciation for his protectiveness. He isn’t aloof or snobby, he’s a father ensuring his daughter’s well-being and safety are first, above all.

“Thanks for introducing me to Mattie.”

Seeing Ryan meeting my childhood friend will live rent free in my memories for eternity. It was adorable. There’s no other way to describe the way he stood awkwardly, his feet shiftingside to side while he put his hands in his pockets and took them out at least four times. See, adorable.

“He’s a pretty great guy and I figured if you heard from him how scuttlebutt around town works, it would hold more weight.”

“Do you think if you had made the same suggestions I would have ignored you? Not taken it to heart?”

Is that what I think? My instinct is to say no but truthfully, he’s right. At least a little. I can promise him our town will protect him, keep his identity from being exposed so that he and Pepper can have a wonderful time enjoying the Jubilee events. Except, I’m just some random woman who has accused him of being rude. Having someone at his level of fame share the sentiment must hold more weight.

“Not necessarily but I figure it doesn’t hurt to have someone like Mattie in your corner. Plus, even if you won’t admit it, I know you kind of liked meeting him.”

Ryan chuckles and lifts the beer bottle to his lips. I watch as his fingers grip the bottle and his head tilts back slightly. My breath is slow to exhale but my heart beats in double time. Taking a drink is a simple act. Nothing overtly sexual, but in this moment, I’m captivated.

When he turns to face me, I take a much-too-large sip of my wine. It’s not enough for me to choke but enough to make my eyes water. The smirk on his face confirms he knows I was watching him. Staring. Shamelessly staring.

“I don’t know if I said it earlier but I’m sorry for your loss. You mentioned losing your parents, but Mattie also mentioned your grandparents passing.”

“Thank you. I’m sure having lost two sets of parents is why I understand Pepper’s struggles. It’s a lot to maneuver through no matter what age, but she’s so young. I’m sure it’s confusing.”