Page 14 of Against the Odds


“No. I mean, if you want. But you’ve not known this long and we only have a few weeks, right?”

Addy smiles. “Or a day. Katy is in the safe zone at this point so anytime. Mason was about two weeks early so you really never know.”

Poof like magic, her quip has Ian’s shoulders back tickling his ears and the smile gone from his face. The tension is rolling off him and because my friend is perceptive, she quickly prints out a few photos and excuses herself. Ian helps me sit up, but when he moves to step away, I grab his arm.

“I know this is overwhelming for you and while I’ve had months to work through each emotion, you’ve only had hours. My intention was not to overwhelm you, but I know how disappointed you were to miss out on so much of the pregnancy I wanted you to have this experience. As I’ve said, there is nothing we need as far as things go but I’m not too proud to admit that we—both myself and the baby—need you now. If you can manage to take some time off, I’d like to invite you to stay in my guest room. No end date.”

His mouth opens and closes like a fish, then he drops into the chair. Maybe I should have eased into that offer but we are out of time. Whether or not we are ready, we are about to be parents, and that thought scares the shit out of me. At least we can be scared together.

The rest of the day is less exciting than the ultrasound. We went back to my house and I showed Ian the guest room and the nursery. After getting his things from Connor’s, he returned and went straight to work. At least an hour or so was spent cussing at the directions for the swing I had yet to tackle.

Everything was very—normal. Traditional I suppose. I made lunch while the laundry was running and Ian took my car to run a few errands and stop by the grocery store. We’ve both been given the day off from wedding duty but tomorrow is a different story. I’ll be here, feet propped up handwriting table assignment cards. I regret taking that calligraphy class over the summer.

Now, settled on the couch, a cup of chamomile tea in my hands and a plate of cookies next to me, I enjoy the quietness. All of my friends have kids and the one piece of advice they’ve all agreed on was to enjoy the quiet time now because it’s going to be awhile before I have it again.

Letting my mind clear, I recognize a feeling of contentment I haven’t had in a long time. Today was nice. Being with Ian was nice. He’s taken to this situation with ease, and when he called his parents today to tell them the news and show them the ultrasound photo, he had nothing but pride and awe in his voice.

“Want to watch a movie?” Ian asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

The thought of his pride is gone and, in its place, my own thoughts of the X-rated variety have quickly taken over. Standing before me in a pair of black joggers and a T-shirt with a few water spots where his skin hasn’t quite dried before the cotton touched his skin is a dream. A sex dream. Holy crap I forgot how damn hot he is.


“Oh, sure. I may fall asleep, but I’ll give it the old college try!”

College try? I’ve never said that in my life. I should put myself to bed now. Only, I’ll wish I was out here with him instead of being alone in my bed. What. Is. Happening? I read that pregnancy can make a woman horny, but I thought that was the second trimester. Of course, whoever wrote that book didn’t have Ian in their life.

“Umm... okay. Why don’t you pick something and I’ll grab some water?”

He leaves me alone with my horny pregnant hormones and I’ve never been so grateful. A little time to cool off is necessary.



Since moving to Katy’s house, I’ve learned quite a bit about her. Apparently she’s in the nesting part of her pregnancy. I downloaded a book the day I moved in to get up to speed on how this all works and was sad to see we had moved on from the horny part of the pregnancy to the one where she insists on rearranging kitchen cabinets.

I don’t think I’ve ever been attracted to a pregnant woman, but there’s something about seeing Katy padding around the house knowing she is carrying my child that has the caveman in me coming out. I have this overpowering need to claim her and make her mine. Not that I will. I’m not a complete Neanderthal but still, the desire is there.

Today is the big wedding and while I was worried we wouldn’t make it after Katy’s appointment yesterday, she and Addy assured me there was a chance we could be waiting days if not longer for labor to begin. I know Katy wanted to be there for Felicity today but in my opinion, she should be resting with her feet up and binge watching her favorite shows.

“Ian?” Katy asks through the bedroom door with a soft knock.

Turning the knob, I open the door to a smiling Katy. Her hair is blown straight and not in the messy bun or braid she’s been wearing. She’s in a button-up shirt and pair of leggings. Her feet have been swelling so she’s taken to wearing a pair of slippers.

“Good morning,” she greets with a huge smile on her beautiful face. “I wanted to let you know I’m heading out. I left my car keys on the counter.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drop you off on the way? It’s not a big deal.”

“I’m sure. The girls are picking me up and we’re going to the venue together. This will be easier since you’ll have the car for when I turn into a pumpkin. Literally.”

We both laugh and I follow her out to the living room where the bag housing her dress is strewn across the couch and a small overnight bag is on the floor. It’s not the “go bag” as she has named her bag for the hospital but it’s similar.

A horn honks and when she reaches for her things, I wave her off and pick up both items. Katy rolls her eyes but has finally given up on arguing with me about doing everything on her own. When she’s safely tucked in the car and the ladies drive away, I turn back to the house. I still have a few hours to burn so I might as well do some work. There are still a few clients my boss needs to refer to other members of the team. Taking a few months off to be with Katy and the baby was a request he hadn’t expected but he’s taken quite a bit of joy in teasing me about the longest one-night stand of my life.

Unlike the ladies who are being pampered in the bridal suite, the men are sitting around teasing the groom, beers in our hand with our suits hanging in the closet. I’ve been texting with Katy all day, making sure she’s okay and there are no signs of labor. I can’t help this feeling in my gut that the baby is coming sooner rather than later. She insists I’m being overprotective and if we have a daughter she’ll hate me when she’s a teenager. I welcome that moment. I was known as Casanova after all. No punk is going to come along and try to put the moves on my daughter.