“I have no clue but anytime I refused sex, they broke up with me. Of course, I was faster at getting the word out and would take the credit for the dumping. It was a mess. There were a few girls I tormented. Not for any reason other than I didn’t have what they did, and I was pissed about that.”
Thinking back to my younger years, I cringe at how I behaved. The way I treated Piper Lawrence was disgusting. She was a smart and sweet girl and didn’t deserve the nickname of “Pathetic Piper” because I was jealous. Her bestie, Ashton Sullivan, is a different story. She dished it back my way more often than not. Hell, she still does. When I see them in town, the moment my eyes fall on Ashton, it is like some sort of spell comes over me. A cruel, tongue lashing and hateful spell.
“I bet sixteen-year-old me would have loved you, Lis. Or wanted to kick your ass.”
We both start laughing until tears run down our cheeks. I wonder what my life would have been like if I had a friend like Gigi when I was younger. Would I have fallen at Michael’s feet like I did? How different would I be today?
“Yeah well, while you and Brian were off becoming well rounded adults, I was falling in love with a guest instructor my freshman year of college. Giving my virginity to an older man, sacrificing my college education to be arm candy, and selling my soul along the way.”
“Ohh . . . an older man. Dish.”
“It’s not glamorous by any means. I was enamored. He offered me adventures and romance. He showered me with gifts and attention. Told me I was beautiful and worshipped my body like he was starved without me. Then we married, and I became pregnant. Clementine, named after his great-grandmother, was my do-over. My chance to be better. To live better. But Michael wanted more. Always more. More money, more power.”
Cringing, Gigi stands and says, “Hold that thought. My bladder has been a trampoline for the last ten minutes.”
I watch as she rushes down the hallway toward the bathroom. While she’s gone, I take the opportunity to check in with my mom.
Me: How are the kids?
Mom: Everyone is fine. Enjoy your night with your friend.
Me: I won’t be much longer. I’ll be home in time to tuck the kids in.
Mom: No rush.
“Okay, I’m back. Maybe you should be a writer instead of making my husband’s business more successful. I’m sucked into this story like a telenovela.”
Smiling, I resume my spot on the couch and my story. “I was miserable. We never visited my family, and Michael was always away on business. No matter where he was, he was in charge. Scheduling my commitments and demanding I be at his beck and call. Geez, I make him sound abusive. He wasn’t. He’s just an asshole. By the time I was pregnant with Jacob, I knew our marriage was over. The hushed phone calls and late nights were only half of it. I ignored the smell of bourbon on his breath and the lipstick on his collars because I believed one day, he’d see the life we had and come back around. But he didn’t. He got worse. Spending so much money. Michael always insisted on the best of everything. There’s no way it was all on the up and up.”
“Oh honey. I’m sorry.”
Now it’s my turn to snort. “Don’t be. I’m glad I stuck it out as long as I did because I have Jacob. The last year of our marriage, he moved us back to Lexington. Put us up in a house with our nanny in tow, controlling our days from a distance. But, signing those divorce papers was the happiest day of my life other than the birth of my children. Then reality hit like a ton of bricks the next day. I may have lived a life of luxury during our marriage, but I had also signed a deal with the devil. Through my rose-colored lenses, I didn’t bother to read the terms of the pre-nup.”
Like it did that day, my stomach drops at the memory. The words a whisper now but that day, they were like a bullhorn right in my ear. “The terms are clear, Felicity. If you are the one to initiate divorce proceedings, you are entitled to one suitcase of belongings for you and one for each child conceived from the marriage. Further, you will not pursue spousal support or any other form of litigation with regard to any assets or property secured during the course of the marriage. Finally, you have twenty-four hours from the hour in which you executed the divorce agreement to vacate the property. That means you have approximately seven hours until we are forced to call law enforcement to escort you off the property.”
“I may have walked away from my marriage with only my children, but I’m better for it. I lost who I was for a long time, but I think I’m finally finding me again.”
It’s true. No matter what I went through, I finally like the person I see in the mirror.
“What about dating? You’re gorgeous, Lis. The men must be lining up to take you out. Show you a little between-the-sheets action.” She waggles her brows and does a little shimmy in her seat, making me smile. “Oh! Please tell me we’re bonded enough for you to give me some details on your sex life. Right now, my idea of ecstasy is a foot rub while I eat a bowl of cereal.”
“No dating. My priority has been school and finding a job so I can move out of my parents’ house. Besides, who would I date? I live in a town where half of the population are people I’ve known my whole life and consider me the devil herself. Besides, Lexington isn’t exactly known for its nightlife.”
“I don’t know, I’ve heard Country Road is pretty great and the bartenders are straight out of a magazine. The one guy, he’s been there a while, my sisters say he looks like that one hot actor on the romance channel. You should go there.”
Just the thought of going to Country Road makes me shiver. There is no way I can ever step foot in that place. Not only because everyone in town is a regular there but because I’m likely to run into every person who despise me. Specifically, Ashton and Piper along with their friends and spouses. No thanks.
“Nah, I prefer to be with my kids. Of course I do allow myself one night a month to go dancing. After this peanut is born, you’ll have to come with me. We’ll have a girl’s night out.”
“Deal. In the meantime, I’ll pick Brian’s brain for a set up.”
I open my mouth to decline her offer when the door opens and the man himself appears. A huge smile on his face, he takes in the two of us snuggled up on his couch.
“Ladies. What is that I smell? Pasta?”
“Sure is. Your wife is an amazing cook,” I comment before standing and slipping my shoes on. “Okay you two. Time for me to hit the road. Tomorrow is the first team meeting for Jacob’s baseball team. He’s so excited, I fully expect to be woken up before sunrise.”
Gigi hugs me goodbye and when I turn to Brian he puts his arm around my shoulder in an awkward side hug. Untangling myself, I leave the two of them behind me as I make my way to my car.
Back to Lexington. Back to reality.