“I was just telling Landon he needs to take you and Mason camping and fishing. That boy in there is a natural outdoorsman.”
I shoot a grateful smile to my dad for his quick save. It’s been only a few hours since Addison publicly declared her feelings for me, I doubt she’d be thrilled to hear my dad and me talking about our relationship so freely.
“Camping? I mean, I could go for some glamping. After last time I realized I’m not exactly a camping kind of gal. Maybe it can be a guy’s trip?”
“Where’s Mason?”
“He’s talking to his father.”
“And that’s my cue to leave. Sounds like a family discussion. Addy, thank you for sharing your son with me. I had a great time with him. We’ll see you guys for dinner this week?”
Nodding, we say our goodbyes. Addison waits until we hear the front door close before rising from her seat and taking the spot on my lap I tapped earlier. Resting her head on my shoulder, my hands go around her waist and hold her to me. Breathing in her scent, I relax.
“He agreed with me about the summer. I told him I’d talk to his dad, but he insisted on handling it himself. I’m not sure when he matured, but it’s like looking at a different person. Maybe the brief time he was sat at the jail did help him.”
“I think Dan needs to hear it from Mason. And don’t get too excited about the maturity thing. I’m pretty sure I saw him trying to put on deodorant with the plastic top still on it.” That makes Addison laugh, and I tug her closer. “What about dinner?”
“He asked if Dan could come over here,” she whispers. My back goes rigid before she taps my forearm. I didn’t realize I’d tightened my grip but loosen my hold a little. “And I said no. I’m not interested in that level of co-parenting. I’d really like him to show an interest in his son. I suggested he take him to Rosa’s, and if his dad is still in town this week, they can hang out a little more.”
“You’re a better person than me, Turnip.”
“You cannot be back to that awful nickname.”
“I wish I’d used it in front of Dickhead Dan. I bet it would have driven him crazy.”
“Dickhead Dan?” She giggles.
“Seems appropriate.”
We continue to sit in silence, her sitting in my lap with my arms wrapped around her, until my butt goes numb and I have to shift. Eventually, we move into the house and settle into the couch while we wait impatiently for Mason to appear after his phone call. By the time he does, we’ve made a tray of cheese and crackers and are watching one of the shows on the DVR.
Addison sits up when he comes out to grab a handful of crackers, stuffing them in his mouth. I can tell she wants to ask what he and Dan talked about, but she doesn’t. Instead, she pushes play on the remote and the three of us settle in for an afternoon of television, and it’s pretty damn perfect.
I’m in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I hear Mason come out of his bedroom. He pauses at the door, and I catch his eye in the mirror. Stepping aside, I make room for him at the sink with me. Without a word, he squeezes the toothpaste onto his toothbrush and begins his nightly routine.
I spit in the sink, turning the faucet on to rinse the sink and cup a little water to my mouth before spitting that out as well. Mason does the same and when he’s done, I slap a hand to his back.
“You okay, kid?”
“Yeah. It’s been a long day.”
“That it has, my man. I’m glad you got to spend time with your dad.”
Mason turns to me, brows furrowed. “You are?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t know, my dad said you guys kind of had it out today.”
Fucking Dan.
“Look, Mason. All of this is new for everyone. I don’t want you to worry about the adult stuff. Just enjoy having your dad in town. Okay?”
“I’m going to hit the sack. I’m exhausted,” I say, motioning for the doorway. I’m blocked into the far side of the sink and can’t get by so I wait for Mason to move out of my way. When he steps into the hall, he pauses before walking toward his bedroom door.