Page 62 of Bourbon & Bonfires

“Hi,” he says, extending his hand across the table to Dan. “Landon Montgomery. You must be Dan. Nice to meet you.”

I don’t speak. Even if I had words, I’m not sure I’d be able to form a coherent sentence. How is he here? Why is he here?

“Yes, I’m Dan Sinclair, Addison’s husb—”

“Ex!” I shout a little too loudly, interrupting him. “Landon, this is my ex-husband.”

I sit wide-eyed while Landon asks Dan about his flight as he reaches over and takes a few crumbs from my muffin wrapper and pops them in his mouth. Sitting here next to me with his arm draped across the back of my chair, he’s not only staking his claim but also showing Dan how much he supports me.

“Babe, did I just hear Dan say he was thinking of asking Mason to his house for the summer?”

“Babe?Really, Addison? Aren’t you a little old for childish pet names?”

“I, uh, I,” I mutter before Landon interjects.

“Old? My Addy is anything but old. She’s perfect. But, you didn’t know that did you, Dan? Surely you couldn’t have known if you let her go. Thanks, by the way. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have her and Mason in my life.”

The look on Dan’s face shifts from outrage to disgust in seconds, and for some reason that makes me feel great. I rest my hand on Landon’s thigh, a silent request for him to let me handle this.

“Dan, while I hope you’re being sincere with your desire to spend time with Mason, the reality is you have next to no relationship with him anymore. You don’t know about his life and what is happening with him. I can count the number of times you’ve spoken to him on the phone over the last year on one hand. He’s fishing this morning but will be home later. I think perhaps we can start with you having dinner with him and see how things go. But summer is a no.”

Folding up my muffin wrapper with my napkin and sitting up in my seat, I turn to Landon with a smile. “Baby, I think we should go home. Your dad and Mason will be there soon.”

“His dad?What is happening here, Addison?” Dan asks, waving his hand between Landon and me. His tan complexion taking on more of a red tint than usual tells me he just realizes Landon is more than a friend. Which any moron would have noticed, but obviously not Dan.

“Yes, Landon’s father took Mason fishing. They’ve grown close over the last few months. It’s been wonderful how much this town has embraced us. I’m so grateful my brother was able to finally convince me to move here. If it wasn’t for him, well I wouldn’t have all this.” My eyes skirt to Landon who is smiling at me, love in his expression, and I cannot wait to get him home and tell him how I feel.

“So you’re screwing this kid and think that’s what’s best for our son?”

“Look, mother fuc—,” Landon says, his chair screeching as he slides it back. I lay my hand on Landon’s chest, a plea for him to not do anything rash.

“Well, in typical fashion, you’ve fucked up my plans,Dan.Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m notscrewing,” I say with emphasis, “anyone. I love Landon, and he has been more of a partner to me and father to Mason than you ever were. If you’d like to see your son tonight, you can text me in two hours, and I’ll talk to him about it. Otherwise, please leave us alone.”

Without another word, I stand and finally look to Landon. He wears the dopiest and largest smile possible. I laugh at him and lean down to place a kiss on his lips before whispering, “That’s not how I planned to return the sentiment.”

No further words are necessary, and we walking out hand in hand. Instead of getting in my car, I allow Landon to guide me to his truck. Before I can climb into the cab, he picks me up by the waist and sets me in the passenger seat. I’m sitting in a similar position to the one I was in when he parked in front of his parents’ house that first night. We’ve come so far since then, but I feel like I just opened the flood gates to so much more.

“Say it again.”

“I love you, Landon. I’m sorry I didn’t say it earlier.” I don’t manage another word before his lips are on mine. His kiss conveys every unspoken word between us, each shared emotion I’ve held tight and not shared, and promises I can’t wait to unravel.

I’ve given my mother the title ofcock blockermultiple times in my adult life. Today, that title is bestowed upon my dad. After what would be classified as a heavy petting session on Main Street this morning, I took my girlfriend—who had just proclaimed her love for me—home and planned on showing her how much I appreciated the sentiment when my dad pulled up behind us in the driveway. Then he didn’t leave. He’s been here, sitting with me on the back deck, telling me about the great fishing I missed out on while Addison is inside talking to Mason.

I knew it was a gamble showing up at Roasters this morning, but I also know as much as Addison plays it cool, she was a mess. I wasn’t sure exactly what she was up to, but I had a feeling it was big, and I wanted to be there for her. I didn’t exactly stalk her, but there are only so many places to go in our town, so by process of elimination I ended up at Roasters. From the look on her face when I arrived, I should’ve gone straight there instead of stopping at Rosa’s and the diner first.

“You’ve created quite the little family here with Addy and Mason,” my dad says, interrupting my thoughts.

“I suppose so. I love them like family.”

“As do we, son.”

“Thank you for that, Dad. I know mom wanted me to meet someone and get married, give her grandkids. I hope she’s okay with a teenager.”

“Landon, your mom didn’t want you to marry someone to give her grandkids. Hell, we’ve got more than we ever expected already. All she’s ever wanted, what we’ve both wanted, was for you to be happy. To find a love that is everlasting and real.”

“I have,” I declare.

“You have what?” Addison asks as she walks out to join us on the deck. I pat my leg for her to sit on, but she shakes her head no, glancing to my dad. I roll my eyes, and she smiles, taking the seat closer to my dad than me. Brat.