Page 46 of Bourbon & Bonfires

I look up and see Mason with the ax in his hand and since breathing seems to be a chore, I don’t bother attempting to speak and only point at the ax and shake my head.

“What ... holy shit I need to add cardio into my workouts,” I gasp as my lungs begin to fill with air. Regaining my composure, I continue, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Uh, cutting wood,” Mason states, annoyance lacing his tone.

“Obviously. I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why?” Both Landon and Mason ask simultaneously.

“What do you mean why? He’sfourteen.” My exasperation at the question is evident as I place my hands on my hips, glaring at Landon.

Raising his hands in mock surrender, he smiles that goddamn smile that makes me giddy, and I refuse to succumb to his charms; this is serious.

“And? Look, Addy he’s fourteen not four. Learning to use an ax is an important part of camping. We’ve gone over the safety rules, I showed him how to use it, and he’s already split all that wood over there,” Landon says, motioning toward a small pile of wood.

“Yeah Mom, turns out I can’t catch fish for sh—crap. But I’m a pro with the ax.”

I laugh at the look on Mason’s face. I’ll let the fact that he almost swore pass, because he looks so damn impressed with himself. Landon puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me tight. Sniffling and wiping a non-existent tear from his cheek he says, “Our boy is growin’ up so fast. I’m so damn proud.”

Mason scoffs.

I elbow Landon in the ribs.

We all laugh.

Like a family.

“I’m going to bed,” Mason declares before standing and stretching his arms over his head. “This camping stuff is exhausting. See you guys in the morning.” He places a quick kiss on the top of my head before pulling his earbuds from his pocket and placing them in his ears as he walks toward his tent on the other side of the large fire.

“Finally, I never thought the kid would go to bed,” Landon says as he stands and steps in front of my chair. “I’ll be right back.” He takes off toward the cabin, and when he disappears inside, I turn my attention to the fire. The flames are bright orange with the logs glowing a hot red. I love the sound of the wood crackling, and I’ll be honest, I’m proud to say my son chopped the wood that made this amazing heat source.

Landon returns, setting something down on the ground before quickly grabbing my hands and pulling me from my seat. He quickly settles into the spot I was sitting in and tugs me onto his lap.

Laughing, I snuggle in tight and let him wrap his arms around me. With my head resting on his shoulder, I watch the fire as he says, “I have something for you.”

I look at him, and he’s holding a bottle of my favorite bourbon. I love the gesture and offer him a small smile. How has it only been two nights since I drank that as the news that I’d lost one of my childhood best friends had died?

“I wasn’t sure if you were ready for more of this after the other night. And frankly, I’m not sure if I am. I tried a glass and it was possibly the worst thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”

“You tried my bourbon?”

“Yeah, I had that talk with Mason, and I couldn’t do it stone-cold sober, so I poured a glass. This shit is awful. But, it’s your favorite, and I wanted us to sit here by the bonfire and share some.”

“You hadthe talkwith Mason?” I ask. I had no idea.

“Yeah. It’s done. Don’t ask me about it, it’s something Mason and I should keep between us for now. Just know, I made sure he knew he could come to me, you, or Taylor at any time.”

“Thank you.”

Landon places his lips on mine. The kiss is short and sweet, but I love everything about it. I accept the bottle from him as he moves a little to his side before holding up a glass with a few ice cubes in it.

“You brought ice and glasses?”

“Nope, I brought ice and a glass. We’ll have to share. Apparently Jameson and Ashton only have one tumbler.”

Landon holds the glass as I pour three fingers of the dark liquid. Replacing the cap, I gently set the bottle on the ground next to us. I take the offered glass from him and lift it to my lips. I pause to savor the warm scent of oak and brown sugar. Tipping the tumbler gently, the first wash of the perfectly chilled liquid rolls across my tongue. I savor it as I always do before offering the glass to Landon.

“Goddamn that was hot.”