Page 40 of Bourbon & Bonfires

“Did your dad call youdude?”

“What? No. Jesus kid, let me just talk. Okay, condoms are a must. Even if the girl says she’s on the pill, the shot, or whatever. Wrap. It. Up. Now, the part my dad told me. Sex is a part of life. Everyone is having sex. Or so you think. At your age, sex is something enticing and exciting, but it’s more than that. It’s more than just physical. And if it’s not, then you shouldn’t have it. Feelings are important. Respect is vital. But as the man, your responsibility is to your partner. No means no. I’m not sure means no. And if you aren’t sure if she’s into it, that means no. Are you with me so far?” A nod from him and another swig of bourbon for me.

“I know your hormones are out of control, and you’re horny as fuck. That’s me talking, not my dad. Ah hell, forget what my dad said. Look, Mason. You are young and probably want to hump twenty-four hours a day. I get it. But you aren’t ready.” I pause in part for effect, but also to make sure I haven’t lost him. When I’m sure he’s still with me, I continue. “You need to mature, and when it’s right, you’ll know deep down. And if you don’t, come to me. Go to your mom or your uncle. None of us will judge you, and we’ll always listen. And when your mom asks if we talked, tell her yes and let’s never talk of this again.”

“Deal. This is probably my worst nightmare. But, Lan?”

“Yeah, bud?” I watch as Mason walks his bowl to the sink before turning back to me. “Thanks for coming when I asked and for caring about my mom. She smiles more with you here, and I missed that. I haven’t been the best kid lately, and us moving here, well it’s my fault.”

“Kid, you moving here is not a bad thing. I mean, you get to spend all this time with me. How could that be bad?” Mason laughs and mumbles something about being humble before heading to his room. I place my glass in the sink next to his bowl and go about locking up the house. I could drive home, but I can’t leave Addison.

Once the house is locked up tight, I stop by the bathroom and find mouthwash to counteract the awful taste her bourbon left in my mouth. I like a nice shot of whiskey or a Jack and coke, but whatever that cough syrup Addison drinks is, I’ll pass. Slowly opening the door to her room, I find Addison curled into a ball, sound asleep. I contemplate going to the couch, but the adrenaline I’ve had all evening is quickly fading, and I just want to sleep. So instead, I undress, leaving on my jeans, before walking to where my sleeping beauty lies.

Trying not to wake her, I slowly tug the comforter and sheet from under her. Quietly and slowly, I slip her under the covers. Once she’s settled, I walk to the other side of the bed and climb in beside her. She rolls to me and startles awake.


“Hey, go back to sleep. Everything’s okay. We’ll talk in the morning.”

“Okay,” she mumbles as she turns over, her back to me. Without a second though, I scoot over to spoon her before falling asleep.

Ifeel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck. My head is pounding, my eyes feel like sandpaper, and we won’t even discuss the cotton mouth. Did I really drink that much? I no sooner think of how much I had to drink last night than the call from my brother fills my memories.Henry.A wave of sadness washes over me, but I can’t even cry. I don’t think my body has replenished the ocean of salty tears I shed last night.

Last night. Landon was here. He held me. I assume this gigantic arm holding me hostage and putting pressure on my bladder is him. He’s still here. Holding me. The realization he’s here, with me, caring for me brings tears to my eyes. I guess the well wasn’t as dry as I thought.

I slowly grab his hand and lift it from my waist to slide out from his hold. As I scoot out from under his arm, okay it’s more like a slither than a scoot, I set his hand on the bed. A mumble and soft snore comes from him, drawing a smile from me. I can barely make out his silhouette in the moonlight, but he’s never looked more handsome. I’ll only allow myself a minute to gawk like a pervert at his perfectly muscled upper body before I look away. Okay, maybe two minutes.Damn.

Stopping myself before I turn into a complete creeper, I look at the clock and realize it’s the middle of the night. I must have crashed pretty hard and fast last night, I’m still in my clothes. Well, they’re closer to pajamas than any pajamas I have. But, I could go for a shower and something to eat.

Quietly, I walk to my dresser and pull out a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. I don’t bother looking at my reflection in the mirror; I know I’m a mess. My eyes will be swollen, my cheeks streaked with yesterday’s mascara, and my hair a rat’s nest on top of my head. Peeling off my clothes, I wait for the water to heat and fill the room with steam before stepping under the stream of hot water. As I lather shampoo into my hair, I remember the way Taylor’s voice cracked when he called me.

“It’s, Addy, it’s bad. Wol ... wol ... wolf is gone.”

The sound in my brother’s voice shattered me. The last time I heard that level of pain was when our parents died six months apart. My baby brother is a strong beast of a man, but when it comes to his family and closest friends, he’s a big softy, and his heart grows by a million for us all. Hearing him sob on the line as he told me of our childhood friend’s passing killed me. The idea of Henry missing out on the birth of his first son hit me like a ton of bricks.Scarlett.My tears are back as I rinse the shampoo from my hair and add conditioner.

As quickly as the thoughts of Henry’s widow fill my head, the memory of Landon finding me on the deck and scooping me into his arms calms me. My emotions are all over the place, and I’ll likely scare the man off at sunrise. I know that’s not true. I heard him when he held me and promised me it would be okay. I believe him. Mostly I believe Landon can right the wrongs in my world, bringing a balance to the chaos that are my emotions.

Finishing my shower, I towel off, slip on a pair of shorts and a long sleeved T-shirt before towel drying my hair and padding to the kitchen. If I remember anything from when my parents’ passed away, it’s that time is slow when you want it to be quick and fast when you want it to slow down. Tonight, I want the night to pass quickly. I would rather face the daylight with a son to care for and a job to get to than the minutes alone in the middle of the night where sadness rules my thoughts.

With only the light from inside the refrigerator lighting the room, I stand before the open door looking for food to fill the hollowness of my stomach. Nothing looks good, but I know I need something. Grabbing peanut butter and an apple, I quickly make a snack and sit at the counter.

Time slowly ticks by, and as the sounds of the crisp apple fill the quietness of the room, I am lost in thought and don’t hear Landon approach. I jump what feels like ten feet in the air when he touches my shoulder.

“Jesus! You scared the shit out of me,” I whisper yell. Holy shit, my heart is racing.

“I’m sorry. I said your name a few times but you were so lost in thought I don’t think you heard me.”

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. Did I wake you?”

“You didn’t wake me,” he says, placing a kiss to the top of my head before walking to the refrigerator and pulling a bottle of water from the shelf. I watch as he finishes the bottle in just a few drinks and allow my gaze to linger a little longer than is socially acceptable as his Adam’s apple bobs.

“What’re you thinkin’?” Landon asks.

“Nothing appropriate,” I mumble.

Landon walks over to where I’m sitting and steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. Each breath tickles my neck, sending shivers up my spine and goosebumps across my skin. I’m not wearing a bra, and I feel my nipples peak. I try to concentrate on my apple, but it’s no use; all I can think of is the way he’s kissed me lately. Never pushing and always letting me set the pace, he’s been so patient. Too patient. I’ve been holding back because I know the minute I give in and let him take it to the next level, I may never come back. I may never come back to this place. A place that has me thinking logically. A place that tells me this will never work.

“Tell me.”