Page 35 of Bourbon & Bonfires

She’s so serious and beautiful right now. Laying her heart out for me. I want to tell her it’ll be okay and none of that matters. It doesn’t. None of it. Except maybe the kids. I’ve always wanted kids, and if she’s saying she doesn’t want more, that’s something we’d have to discuss when the time comes. But it’s been three weeks and we are nowhere near that level of conversation. Even if I can’t imagine a day in my life without her and Mason.

My head is swimming with everything she’s said and everything I’m feeling. Instead of responding, I kiss her. Slowly.

“You can’t kiss this away.”

“I’m not. I needed to do that. Look, Addy. We’ve been dating three weeks. Don’t even try to correct me and say we aren’t. We are. I want to keep seeing you. There is nobody else I want to be with. The thought of you with someone else makes my blood boil. I need you to promise me there’s nobody else, okay? I’m far too handsome for jail.” I wink for good measure, and it gains me a smile in return.

“Let me recap before I continue,” I say as hold up a finger and begin my list. “I like you. You like me. We like each other. I pretty much love your kid, and he can’t help but idolize me.” A smack to the chest from her and a kiss from me before I proceed with my list. “I don’t want to date anyone else and neither do you. I want to keep making out like a couple of horny teenagers, and when you’re ready I want to lay you down on my bed and strip everything from your body slowly until you’re begging me to hurry. Then, as soon as I have you naked, I’m going to worship your body inch by inch before I give you two, maybe three, of the most amazing orgasms of your life. And those multiple orgasms will be a given since you’ve decided to take a chance on a thirty-year-old guy who believes you are absolutely the most amazing woman in the world.”

Her eyes water with unshed tears, and I kiss her again, slower and longer this time. “I’m not making promises, and I’m not going to confess anything, but have no doubt, Addison Sinclair, I’m all in and want to see where this goes. I need you to do the same.”

“Why is it when we talk you sound like the older one of this duo?”

“It’s my charm. And we’re acouple, babe. Not a duo. That’s Batman and Robin.”

My attempt to break the tension of the conversation is successful, and while I know this make-out session won’t lead to those orgasms, we’re at least on the same page with this relationship.

“Oh my God! Addy is that a hicky?”

“Minnesota, shh.”

“Do not shush me, Addison Sinclair. You dirty girl, itisa hicky.”

“Ugh.” I don’t even bother trying to lie and lay my head on my hands. When I saw the monstrosity this morning I almost died. I sent Landon a text with a selfie andWTFtyped across it with an arrow pointing to my neck.

“Don’t be so dramatic. I have a hicky too.” All eyes dart to Piper who blushes and smiles. “What? I’m married not dead. Ben just keeps them where nobody can see them. I can only imagine the shit that one,” she says, pointing at Ashton, “would give me if I had one on my neck.”.

“Damn skippy. I like to live in my own world where my brother and best friend are married and trying to make me a niece, but they don’t do anything sexual.”

“How’s that working out for you?” I ask.

“Well, it was great until she just told us he leaves marks on her body in places we can’t see.”

The table erupts in laughter, and we change the subject when the waitress arrives with our breakfasts. Now that I’m officially dating a younger man, I need to be more conscious of my food choices and ordered an egg white omelet with fruit. My plate is sad. As much as I love pancakes, my body no longer processes carbs like it used to, and Landon is going to see me naked. One day. And when that day comes, I don’t want to have any regrets at the number of pancakes I consumed. Heck, I almost stripped myself last night when he told me what he was going to do to me when he got me in bed. I didn’t though. Instead, I let him lead me to the brink of pleasure with his kisses and a little under the shirt action before I sent him home to take a cold shower and then I took one myself.

“Oh great. Incoming,” Ashton mumbles as she stuffs a large bite of food in her mouth. The other girls groan in response. Confused, I turn to where they’re looking. A tall blonde is walking our direction. While the five of us are in our workout clothes, she’s dressed for Sunday brunch at The Plaza Hotel. Which is odd since we’re in Lexington and at a small diner.

“Ladies, you’re all looking quite ... sporty.”

“Go away, Felicity.” Ashton sure did swallow that food quickly.

“Ashton, I hear congratulations are in order. You managed to trap the most eligible bachelor of Lexington with a baby. Your parents must be so proud.”

“Go to hell, you stupid bi—”

“Ash, don’t. Felicity, it’s lovely to see you, have a nice day,” Piper graciously says. I feel like I’m watching a tennis match, my eyes bouncing from person to person.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Felicity Remington-Thorne,” the blonde says, extending her hand in greeting. I take it in mine and shake before speaking.

“Hello, I’m Addy Sinclair.” I don’t say it’s nice to meet her because I have the feeling nobody at my table would agree.

“I know everyone in town, but I don’t know you.”

“Oh, we moved to Lexington a few months ago. That’s probably why.”

“We? Oh, are you married? I’m married. My husband is traveling for business currently, that’s why I’m here. Our children adore their pancakes. Pancakes are sojuvenile, full of unnecessary fat and calories, but I like to keep them happy.”

Suddenly, I’m grateful I went with the omelet and not the pancakes. Being scrutinized by this woman is the last thing I want.