Page 21 of Bourbon & Bonfires

“None taken.”

“Oh, because he took me to the doctor? No, I was too sick to drive, and Jameson’s truck broke down. This is the one who’s responsible for knocking me up.”

“Hey, I proposed too.”

“Yes, dear. Okay, let’s go; I don’t have a lot of time before the nugget demands a nap.”

Once Ashton slides out of the booth, the rest of the women begin muttering about heading home, and before I realize it, I’m alone in the booth staring into a pair of dark green eyes. God, he really is good looking. And I realize I probably owe him an apology. Thank goodness I left a little room for some crow because I’m about to eat some.

I’d just finished inspecting Jameson and Ashton’s air conditioning when Ashton texted Jameson for a ride. Normally I wouldn’t tag along, but when he told me where Ashton was, the sudden need for a burger and shake was overwhelming. So, I hopped in my truck to follow him to the diner. Imagine my surprise when I spot, through the window, the raven-haired beauty who has been running circles through my mind.

I should move on and let it go, but so far I haven’t been able to. Something about the animosity she’s shown toward me, animosity I didn’t understand until today, has me intrigued more than frustrated. I should be frustrated. I should be pissed that someone I thought had enjoyed hanging out with me has suddenly acted as if I’m the furthest thing from fun in her lifetime.

As the ladies each slide out of the booth and pass by me, I nod in greeting. When Minnie stops to look from me to Addison and then back with a knowing grin, I simply smile and push her along with a bump of my shoulder. Both she and Dakota make it only a few steps before they turn back and smile and then high five one another.


Sliding into the booth across from Addison, I take in her beauty. Her dark brown hair is twisted into a messy bun on her head, and her face is void of a stitch of makeup. I note a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose and have a sudden desire to reach out and touch each one.

What. The. Fuck.

I’ve never thought about reaching out and touching a woman’s face before, let alone to touch a freckle. Hours. I’ve only spent hours with this woman, and yet she has me thinking of ridiculous notions like petting freckles.

My gaze shifts from her face and regardless of how much of a pussy I sound like, talking about freckles, I am a red-blooded man, and the way her tight purple top fits her breasts, has me giving a little extra eye time to them.

A throat clears and I realize I’ve been busted in my assessment of purple Lycra. My eyes fly up to meet a pair of brown eyes the color of the darkest chocolate, and for a moment, my mouth dries.

“Looks like you’ve made a few friends since you’ve been in town,” I say in an effort to break the awkwardness of my gawking.

“I have. I only met Piper and Ashton today. They seem very sweet.”

I laugh, but we’re interrupted by the waitress before I’m able to respond. After taking my order of a double bacon cheeseburger with extra grilled onions, French fries, and a vanilla shake, she clears the plate left on the table and refills Addison’s coffee. After she’s walked away, I begin to comment on her “sweet” assessment of the girls but she speaks first.

“So, I think I may owe you an apology. I, uh ... well, shit.”

Addison isn’t looking at me as she speaks. Instead she’s focused on the wall to my left, staring at it while twisting her hands. Nerves. She’s nervous and kind of adorable.

“Why’s that?” I ask, sitting back and placing my arm on the top of the booth.

“I thought you were a cheating bastard?”

It’s barely a whisper, but I hear her clear as day and throw my head back in full blown laughter. A blush darkens the freckles on Addison’s cheeks, and it only fuels my laughter.

“Okay, you don’t have to laugh so hard. I apologize.”

“You don’t have to apologize.”

“But, I do. I assumed things and made up these scenarios in my head. When I saw you in the office with Ashton, I just about died.”

“I could tell something was wrong that day. I’d been thinking about you, about New Year’s Eve. And then you were there. So cute in your pink scrubs.”

Addison laughs and mutters “Yeah, right.”

The tension is finally gone and Addison visibly relaxes. We make small talk about the town, her job, even the weather, before the waitress reappears with my food. I pour an ungodly amount of ketchup on the plate and look up to see Addison with a scowl on her face. It’s something about the way she looks at me that makes me want to push the envelope a little, so I scoop my burger and dip it in the ketchup before stuffing half of it in my mouth. Looking up at Addison, her eyes are wide, and I almost choke on my food when I begin laughing.

“Sowwyy,” I grumble between swallows. I finish chewing and swallow the food in my mouth and try again. “Sorry. I thought it’d be funny considering how you looked at me when I poured the ketchup. I didn’t think I’d almost die in the process.”

“Serves you right. I’m enjoying my weekends off so if you could avoid me having to save your life, that’d be great.”