Page 17 of Bourbon & Bonfires

“Hi, you must be Addison. Carrie at the front desk said you were new to town.”

“Hi, Addy, please. Yes, my son and I just moved to town a few weeks ago.”

“I’m Minnie, and this is Dakota. You’ll love this class. Sierra is the best. I always leave here feeling so amazing.”

“That’s great to hear,” I say, relieved. “It’s nice to meet you ladies. Sisters?”

They both nod and laugh. Dakota unrolls her mat next to me and, after she sits down, looks over to me. “Did you say your son? He wouldn’t happen to be under the age of six and in need of a playdate, would he?”

“Sorry, no. He’s fourteen going on ... well, some days going on seven and others twenty.” We all laugh and chat among ourselves until Sierra turns off the light and music fills the room. With each deep breath and exhale, I feel the tension of the week leave my body. Each muscle unravels from the tight knots they’ve formed, and by the time we come out of Shavasana, I feel like the emotions I was holding onto about Landon are gone.

“Addy, we’re going to get coffee before we head home. Would you like to join us?”

“Oh ...” I hesitate as I fasten the clasp on my mat’s strap.

“No pressure. We’re both newer to town and know how it is.”

“It’s not that, I was actually just thinking how I could go for breakfast. I hate eating before yoga, but now that I’m limber and relaxed my body needs fuel.”

“Oh, girl. Now you’re talking. How about we head to the diner and add some pancakes and bacon to that coffee order?” Dakota asks as she loops her arm into mine and drags me to the cubbies where our belongings are.

“Or, Dakota, we could have a nice egg white omelet.” Minnie barely composes herself with that statement and we all laugh. “I can’t even believe those words left my mouth. Pancakes it is. Come on, ladies, we’re burning daylight!”

This is probably a bad idea. Actually, I’m sure it’s a bad idea. But I have no other way of reaching Addison. I pull out a chair at one of the high-tops in Country Road and contemplate sitting at the bar. No, that would seem like I’m here to drink, and I’m not. It’s midday on the weekend, and the place is full of families and small groups of guys watching the post-season games on the big screens.

After placing my order of an iced tea and steak sandwich, I sit back and wait for Taylor to appear from the back. Owen told me I was an idiot for coming here to ask Taylor for Addison’s number, but I don’t know what else to do. I knew the minute she saw me sitting next to Ashton in the doctor’s office last week she thought we were together. If I learned anything from the hours we spent together, it’s that Addison is a good person with a good heart. I can’t imagine the thought of me spending New Year’s Eve with her while my pregnant girlfriend was at home would sit well with her.

I thought about asking Dr. Burning himself for her information, but I’d have to explain why I need it. Which would then lead to him probably telling my mom at church, and the last thing I need is for my mom having any idea there’s a woman who has piqued my interest. No, this is better. Well, it’s less complicated than involving my mother.

When my food is in front of me, I allow myself a few minutes to enjoy my meal before I spot Taylor walking in from the back hallway. Once he’s set down the clipboard from his hand, I catch his attention, and he walks over.

“What’s up man? Why are you sitting over here?”

“No reason. I’m having lunch before I lock myself in my workshop. You know this steak sandwich is the best around.”

“True story. I’m a little concerned about my physical this year. The doc is probably going to tell me to lay off the steak,” Taylor says, patting his abs. I don’t know who he’s trying to convince he’s anything but the most fit guy in town. I know he’s one of the founding members of the first CrossFit gyms in the area.

“Whatever, man. So, I have to be honest, I’m here for another reason.”

Before Taylor is able to respond, our own local celebrity walks in the bar and heads our direction. Spencer Garrison is a famous skateboarder to the world, but to us he’s just a kid we grew up with. When we were young, Spencer would spend the summers in Lexington with his dad but by the time we hit middle school, he was here less and less. I remember the day we were huddled around Ben’s television watching the X Games and saw Spencer on the screen. We freaked the fuck out. When he took the gold, I thought Piper and Ashton were going to have a meltdown. I still hear their screeches of how hot he was in my ears. Hell, they still screech that anytime he’s in town.

When Spencer makes it to my table, he extends his hand in greeting. “What’s up man? How long are you in town?” I ask before tossing a few fries in my mouth. Damn the fries are on point today.

“I’ll be here a few weeks. The renovations on my house are almost done. You were right, Taylor. Strauss does amazing work. And, unlike other contractors I’ve worked with, he’s on time and under budget.”

We shoot the shit for a few minutes on the work being done to his house while I finish my lunch. Spencer explains he’s in town rehabbing after a minor knee surgery and he’s leaving town after the construction is done to spend time with his sister. The minute he mentions his sister, my thoughts go to the reason I’m here. To get Addison’s telephone number. I’m brought back to the conversation at hand when I hear how annoyed Spencer is. “Yeah, I told her I wanted to give her a birthday to remember. Skies the limit. I assumed she’d be like any other woman and want to go on a shopping trip. Buy those damn shoes with red soles or a million-dollar purse or something. Nope. Notmysister. She wants me to take her to some book signing.”

Taylor and I both laugh. I can’t imagine Spencer Garrison at a bookstore, let alone a book signing. He’d stand out like a sore thumb at six feet four, tattoos, and sporting a man bun. Which, by the way, I thought went out of style a year ago. Taylor teases him for a few minutes before I interject.

“A book signing? Is that a thing?”

“Apparently so. Especially for romance readers. Don’t even fucking start. She’s my sister, and I love her, but this is taking that love to an all new level.”

We laugh at his statement, and before I can ask for Addison’s number, Taylor and Spencer head to the bar where Spencer places a to-go order. The opportunity lost, I close out my tab and am standing from my seat when Spencer slaps his hand on my shoulder.

“Hey man, I heard you have a custom furniture business?”

“Hobby is more like it,” I reply. “Why?”