She was quiet for longer than was comfortable. He began to worry that he’d already lost his shot.

“His business is in Connecticut, Hayden. You’d have to relocate.”

“I’m already relocating to New York City. I researched it today, and it’s an hour train ride from Elle’s place to his showroom and workshop.”

His aunt pressed her fingers to her lips. He couldn’t tell if she was happy or upset. Then she was jumping off the stool and throwing her arms around his neck.

“Oh, Hayden,” she cried. “That’s wonderful news. I’m so happy for you both.”

He patted her on the back. “Elle doesn’t know yet, so let’s keep this on the down-low for right now. I want to get all my ducks in a row before I share my plans with her.”

“Of course.” She dropped her arms and wiped her eyes. “You’re right. Your mother won’t take this well.”

He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “I know. But I can’t change how I feel. There’s room for my mom in my heart as long as there is room for Elle in hers.”

Aunt Kitty contemplated him. “This shouldn’t have to be a choice.” She cupped his jaw. “Leave your mother to me. I’ll call Theo’s brother first thing in the morning and let him know you’re interested.” A sly smile formed on her lips. “But I’m going to need a favor from you tomorrow. No questions asked.”

“Why does this sound like something illegal?”

She laughed. That bright melodic laugh she used to have before tragedy landed in both their laps. He was happy to hear it.

“Nothing nefarious. Just impulsive,” she replied, the joy in her voice easing his anxiety about what he was taking on in the name of love.

“Impulsive seems to be the flex move right now. Count me in.”


Elle foundWest seated at one of the breakfast tables at the inn the following morning. He was playing a rousing game of Fish with Emily, Whitney and Henry.

“Please tell me you’re not teaching these children how to gamble,” she said.

Henry laughed. “I play poker with Ryan all the time.”

“Got any twos?” Whitney asked no one in particular.

West dropped the two of hearts on the table. “You are becoming a card shark, Whit.”

The little girl giggled.

“That right there is my favorite sound in the whole world,” Tanner Gillette said as he and Ryan entered the room.

“Who’s ready for a round of putt-putt golf?” Ryan asked.

“Me!” the three kids shouted as they tossed their cards into the center of the table and scrambled out of their chairs.

“Do you two want to join us for school vacation daycare?” Ryan looked at Elle, his expression hopeful.

She was about to say “Why not,” when West interjected.

“Elinor and I have an appointment this morning,” he said. “Perhaps another day.”

“We do?” Elle asked.

West got to his feet and adjusted the cuffs of his white dress shirt. How had she not noticed he was wearing a tie? And a suit?

“Yes. We do.”

“Have a good one,” Tanner said as he and Ryan herded the kids out the door.