Tatum laughed. “Be sure to take out an ad in West’s new newspaper when he does. Inquiring minds will want to know.”

Elle spun around to face Tatum. “‘West’s new newspaper?’”

The other woman nodded. “Isn’t it great? It’s will only be a weekly, but that’s better than nothing. And everyone is excited about it.”

“He’s renting out the space in the torpedo factory that’s on the other side of Tiny Dancers for his office,” Gavin confirmed.

So that’s what he was doing in the ballet studio with the tape measure. His meetings with the various community groups in town made sense now, too. Elle couldn’t help the feeling of pride that trickled through her. After globe-trotting around the world, West was planting roots in Chances Inlet. And he was offering up his talents to boot.

“But that doesn’t mean you get to stop helping us with social media.” Bernice gave her a mulish look. “West says he knows nothing about all that whoiswhatis involved with that. He assured us that you can easily do it from New York. You promised you would.”

Tatum donned a pleading look. “You did promise.”

“I did. And I will,” Elle insisted. “We’ll work it out. This is my home. I’ll never stop supporting you.”

The kids screamed when an errant wave destroyed several of their snowmen.

“Uh-oh,” Tatum said. “Excuse me, y’all. We’ve got an emergency that can only be helped with free Christmas cookies.”

Knotical buzzedwith energy when Hayden entered the workroom located at the back of his mother’s store that evening. The veterans from his support group, their families and friends were busy wrapping the Angel Tree presents that would be handed out at the youth center the following day. Simone immediately handed him a box of Legos to wrap.

“You’re late,” his partner said. “Don’t tell me you were home pouting after Livi took off with Elle’s ex this morning.”

Hayden stared at Simone in disbelief. Was she kidding?Livi and Jeremy?

“Who told you that?” he demanded.

Simone hiked her eyebrows at him. “An unimpeachable source.”


“That woman has her finger on the pulse of this town.” Simone’s chuckle sounded full of appreciation. He wasn’t surprised. Both women thrived on minding everyone else’s business.

“I take it she didn’t give you a goodbye kiss?”

Hayden glared at her.

“Mm.” Simone reached for his finger and pressed it down on the silver paper she’d wrapped around a box of Play-Doh. She wrestled with the tape dispenser while he held the paper in place. “Then where were you all day if you weren’t mending your broken heart? Elle was in plain sight at the sand sculpting contest. That rules out any hanky-panky.”

He peeked over to the other side of the room. Elle and Emily both giggled as they attempted to wrap a basketball. He’d missed her today. Even after a night spent making love to her, he still felt incomplete when she wasn’t near.

He’d spent the day up at UNC Wilmington working with the seniors from Chances Inlet’s high school cross-country team as they prepared for college tryouts. The process was always bittersweet for him. Even more so today. If things went the way he planned, it would be the last time he’d get a chance to coach the kids. He’d miss it. But he’d miss Elle more if he let her go back to New York alone.

“I have a life outside of this town, Simone.”

Except he didn’t. Or he hadn’t for many years. But that was all going to change. His head swam, and he blew out a long, controlled breath to help hold the anxiety at bay.

Elle is worth it.

Beside him, Simone had gone uncharacteristically quiet. She was staring at him with a concerned look when he turned back to her.

“My God,” she whispered. “You’re going to leave me.”


She pushed his hand away and frantically finished wrapping the gift.

“I love her, Simone,” he said softly.