“Things have been crazy busy helping West wrap up his memoir,” Elle lied as she helped herself to a plate full of Christmas cookies and a cup of tea.

In truth, she and West hadn’t spoken since he’d delivered his bombshell in the ballet studio several days ago. The man was still in Chances Inlet. She knew because she’d spied him at the diner enjoying lunch with several town council members the other day. Their paths had crossed at city hall, also. Elle couldn’t fathom what West could want with the chamber of commerce.

“Is he almost finished writing it?” Livi gave her a speculative glance over the rim of her teacup. “I’m sure you’re dying for him to hurry up so you can get back to New York.”

Elle shrugged. “Christmas is four days away. There would be no point now.”

“But you wouldn’t stay for New Year’s if he completes it before then, would you?”


It sounded an awful lot like Livi wanted to get rid of her. Was she fantasizing about sharing a New Year’s kiss with Hayden? A sharp pang of jealousy knotted in Elle’s stomach.

Get used to it, she told herself. Even if they decided to continue their relationship as a long-distance one, women like Livi would constantly throw themselves at Hayden. And why wouldn’t they? He was perfect.

Would he get tired of waiting for her to come home and take what Livi was offering? His mother certainly would support that. Her appetite vanished at the thought. She pushed the plate of cookies to the center of the table.

“I’ll cross that bridge when West finishes,” Elle said.

“When West finishes what?” The damn man would pick that moment to enter the parlor. He strode over to their table and helped himself to one of Elle’s cookies.

Elle’s palms began to sweat. She believed they’d had a breakthrough in their relationship the other day when he’d given her the jump drive. He’d told her it was up to her when she turned it in. She presumed that meant he didn’t care that she wasn’t racing back to New York. Still, she had no idea if he’d cover for her right now.

“Your memoir, silly,” Livi told him. “I was asking Elle if you finish before the end of the year, will you both be returning to New York?”

Elle didn’t dare meet the man’s eyes. She could feel them boring into her, though. A painful moment stretched before he put her out of her misery.

“I have no plans to return to New York,” he declared as he ambled over to the coffee urn.

Livi looked as shocked by his words as Elle felt. Although, when she thought about it, his announcement made sense. There was something going on between him and Kitty. She was sure of it. And he was showing a lot of interest in the works of her town for some reason.

“Where will you go?” Livi asked. “Back to reporting from a war zone?”

He winced ever so slightly before he answered. “No. I have something more fun in mind.”

“You’re being very mysterious, Mr. West.” Livi tried to charm the man with her dazzling smile. “Won’t you let us in on your secret?”

West laughed before taking a sip of his coffee. He leaned a hip against the sideboard and aimed his gaze directly at Elle. “As soon as I get all the players onboard.”

“Will you be writing another book?” Livi asked.

Elle thought of the notebooks he’d been carrying around with him all this time. The journals written by his late wife. She wondered at the stories contained within them.

“I hope you do,” Elle surprised herself by saying.

One corner of his mouth turned up. “Do you?”

Were they back to this again?

“Yes. I do,” she stated emphatically.

His lips curved into a wide smile at her words. “Good.” He nodded to Livi. “Enjoy the rest of your tea, ladies.”

Two of the guests stopped him for a selfie on his way out. West obliged them before heading back down the hall to the study.

“What was that all about?” Livi asked.

Darned if she knew. But she was going to find out. Right now.