She tsked in disgust. “Without making your bed? I know I raised you better than that. You know what they say? ‘If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.’”
His mother leaned down to pull up the sheets. Hayden rushed forward when he spotted the heel of Elle’s Ugg boot sticking out from under the bed, inches away from his mother’s foot.
“Really, Mom, I got this.” He kicked the boot out of sight before taking the sheet from her and quickly making his bed. “What are you doing up and out this early anyway?”
“Today is your father’s breakfast for the dental reps. I thought I’d drop off the cat’s heartworm medicine while I was driving by.” She wandered over to his dresser and began to rearrange the photos he had there. “I have no idea when Kitty will remember to bring it over.”
She lowered her voice as if they weren’t the only ones in the room. Which they weren’t. Thankfully, she didn’t know that.
“Kitty is sleeping with Everett West, you know.” There was a hint of glee in his mother’s voice.
For crying out loud.
“None of my business.” He thumped the pillows on the bed. “There. Now, can I buy you a cup of coffee at the Java Jolt?”
“Why would I want to do that? I’m about to have coffee at the breakfast.” She bent over to pick up his socks off the floor.
The odds were high there was a condom wrapper somewhere in this room. He needed to get his mother out of here before she found it. Or decided to organize his closet.
“Your sister is coming in early for Christmas,” she announced. “She’ll be interested in the situation between Kitty and Mr. West.”
He dragged his fingers through his hair absently. “That’s great.”
His mom reached up and smoothed down the strands he’d just mussed up. “Annnnd, she’ll get to meet Livi.”
Hayden froze. “What? Why?”
Her smile was smug as she hiked one shoulder in the air. “Why not?”
“Mom, nothing is going on between Livi and me.”
She adjusted the collar on his uniform. “That’s because you two have barely had a chance to spend any time together. She got back into town last night, and is here through Christmas Eve.”
“How do you know this?” he asked even though he really didn’t want to hear the answer.
“We talk. I adore her, Hayden. And I know something could be there if you just give it a chance. I’m not getting any younger.” She patted his chest. “I want grandchildren.”
Mother of God.
Her phone chirping startled them both.
“That’s your father,” she said before she even looked at the screen. “He can’t function one minute without me. I made Aunt Edith’s rum cake last night. I’ll stop by the station house later to drop it off. I need you to do something for me in return.”
Hayden grimaced, knowing what was coming.
“Stop by the inn to say hello to Livi.” She kissed him on the cheek. “I’ve invited her to our family dinner after the snowman-in-the-sand contest tomorrow night.”
The click-click of her heels accompanied her from the house. Hayden sank down onto his bed. As soon as he heard her car pull away, he called out to Elle.
“She’s gone.”
Elle opened the door slowly. Rather than come out, she leaned a shoulder against the doorjamb, her long legs crossed at the ankles and the pile of her clothes still gathered against her midsection. The giggles were gone. A solemn expression replaced them.
He sighed. “I’ll find some time to stop by the inn and talk to Livi. I hate to think about what my mom might be filling her head with.”
She didn’t reply.