The owner of the deli handed Emily a bag of popcorn. “This one is on the house. Payback for your aunt’s help with getting my social media some traction.” He beamed at Elle. “Don’t discount your talents, young lady. We wouldn’t have gotten this kind of boon in business without you.”

Elle offered him a gracious smile. “I would argue that Mother Nature played a bigger hand in this than I did, but thank you. I’m glad people are finding our town.”

Emily scampered ahead toward the toy store.

“Didyou hear what you just said?” Hayden asked as they walked behind Emily. “You called it ‘our town’.”

The hope in his voice wasn’t hard to miss. They’d both been avoiding any talk about their future. It came as no surprise that he wanted her to find her way back to their hometown permanently. Especially since he’d made it clear he wasn’t interested in leaving Chances Inlet.

She got it. This quirky little town was his safety net. His comfort zone. Hayden no longer had to prove himself to anyone. He’d faced down several of life’s greatest challenges and won. Accomplishments met and exceeded.

Too bad Elle couldn’t say the same.

“This is my town, too,” she told him. “In case you forgot, I was born here.” Linking her arm through his, she rested her cheek against his shoulder. “No matter where I live, Chances Inlet will always be home. After all, the most important people in my life live here.”

He heaved a weary sigh.

“Timothy Hayden Lovell.”

Claire Lovell’s voice had Elle shrugging her arm out from under Hayden’s in order to put some distance between their bodies.

“No need to be so formal, Mom.” Hayden reached out an arm and gave his mother a side-hug. “Wow. This looks great.” He gestured to the rows of tables displaying the various crafts Knotical’s knitting club was offering for sale.

Elle reached for one of the Santa Claus knit doorknob covers. “We had some of these growing up. I always loved them. I wonder what my mom did with them when she moved to the inn? Maybe I should get some new ones of my own.”

Hayden’s mother made a sound of disgust before snatching up the remaining four Santas and slipping them into a plastic bag. “This is my last set, and Livi mentioned she’d enjoy having them. I’ve invited her to dinner next week. You can give them to her then, Hayden.”

The glare she aimed at Elle said “checkmate.” Elle bit back her gasp. For the past ten years, Claire Lovell made no secret of her loathing. One would have thought she’d be used to the other woman’s animosity by now.

Except she wasn’t. The woman standing before her was once like a second mother to Elle. Hayden’s mother’s hatred cut deeply every time their paths crossed. If Elle needed another reason why she and Hayden weren’t meant for the long haul, Claire Lovell was it.

“Mother,” Hayden snapped.

Elle pressed a hand to his arm. “It’s fine. I didn’t realize Livi wanted them, too. Of course she should have them. I’m sure my mom has her set somewhere. I’ll ask her about them later.” She’d never endured a more painful smile than the one she gave to Claire. “I hope you have a successful bazaar,” she managed to say before turning and taking Emily’s hand. “Come on, Ems. Let’s go get our picture taken with Kringle.”

She didn’t bother waiting for Hayden to finish his whispered, heated exchange with his mother.

Kate suddenly appeared by her side. “Honestly, that woman needs to get a serious grip.”

Elle tried to shrug it off, but her sister was having none of it.

“I’m serious, Elle. Don’t you dare let that woman get to you. She has no right to treat you that way.”

“I run into her once or twice a year. It’s easy to let it roll off me,” she lied.

Kate stepped in front of Elle, halting their progress. “Emily, Daddy is over at the Bed and Biscuit helping with Kringle’s photo booth. You go ahead, and we’ll meet you there in a minute.”

With a cheery “Okay,” Emily dropped Elle’s hand and skipped away.

“It’s fine, Kate. Really,” Elle insisted.

Of course, Kate ignored her. “Once or twice a year? What you’re saying then is that whatever is going on between you and Hayden is a simple case of friends with benefits?”

Elle took the easy out her sister was unintentionally offering. “Yeah, sure.”

It wasn’t technically a lie. She and Hayden had been dancing around the relationship status discussion for over a week. Yet, given all the obstacles in their relationship, friends with benefits might be the only option that worked for them.

The very thought made Elle’s throat tight, though.