“Oh, he’ll be madder than a wet hen when he finds out,” she replied. “He was deeply asleep when I left. I didn’t have the heart to wake him. I don’t think he sleeps very well.”
Hmm. West and Elle had a lot more in common than either one of them knew. Although the man was likely behind much of Elle’s insomnia.
“Has he finished his book yet?”
Aunt Kitty shrugged.
Hayden swore. “Does he even realize Elle’s job depends on it?”
His aunt’s steps faltered. “What are you talking about?”
“If Elle can get him to turn the completed manuscript in on time, she’ll be promoted to lifestyle columnist. It’s her dream job.”
Although not for reasons anyone else desired a dream job. She’d be good at it, sure. But she was mainly after the cache it would give her among her siblings. Hayden understood her goal. He just didn’t agree with her logic.
“If Everett is aware of that, I’m sure he won’t let Elle down on purpose,” she told him. “Like I said, he’s not the man he appears to be.”
Hayden grunted. “Let’s hope not.”
“For crying out loud,Elle. Because of your video blog, our phone is ringing off the hook with media types wanting tointerviewmy damn dog,” Ryan bellowed as he stormed into the inn’s breakfast room several days later.
Elle looked up from the French toast casserole she was drowning in maple syrup. She had to admit that one advantage to her assignment babysitting West was her mother’s fabulous breakfasts, especially since her appetite seemed to be gnawing at her constantly these past few days. Ryan lowered himself into the chair beside her and proceeded to help himself to a slice of her bacon.
“Hey! That’s mine!” She tried to slap his hand, but her brother was quicker. “I’m telling Mom.”
“Go ’head. She likes me better anyway. And it’s the least you can do after thrusting Kringle into the spotlight again. You are going to have to coordinate all these interview requests, little sister.” He jabbed the piece of bacon at her. “Besides, I thought breakfast was only for the paying guests.”
She looked around the room, grateful to find it empty. It was already after ten. Hayden had kept her up well past two in the morning the past few nights. For the first time since the earthquake, sleep came easily. Whereas before she was up with the birds, she was now logging a solid seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. She’d become a pampered princess.
It wasn’t like she had much else to do anyway. West had locked himself in the study all week without bothering her with any of his ridiculous requests. She hoped that meant he was writing.
Not only that, but the town’s social media was chugging along, bringing in more tourists for the holidays than the previous Christmas. Soon, Elle would have to resort to washing dishes to keep herself busy. Anything to distract her from thoughts of Hayden.
Elle smiled to herself. The attraction she’d felt during her drunken kiss last year wasn’t a one-off. And when they’d both finally let go . . .wow. Jeremy had certainly never lit up her body the way her best friend did. Being with Hayden had an added level of intimacy to it because they both knew each other so well. What they shared felt like more than just sex. And it was crazy good.
Or just plain crazy.
They’d crossed a line. Going back to what they were before was impossible now. Not that she wanted to. Ever. But she didn’t want to lose him either. Just the mere thought had her stomach seizing.
Hayden insisted they ignore the elephant in the room—the pesky fact that she lived ten hours away. That her career was in New York City and his was here in Chances Inlet. She’d been so caught up in the moment that she’d agreed. Why not enjoy the here and now, he’d reasoned. Except the “here and now” had an expiration date. As much as everyone wished for the holiday season to last forever, it didn’t.
Ryan reached for another slice of bacon, except this time Elle was quicker. She jammed the whole piece into her mouth to keep her brother from snatching it.
“I’m allowed to eat the leftovers,” she said around the food in her mouth.
“Are you this much of a bohemian when you’re on a date? No wonder you are still single.”
Elle had never been so relieved to see Bernice appear. The woman practically floated into the room with Kringle in her arms. She handed Elle a piece of paper.
“Read all about it, girlie. The travel network is sending a team to shoot a report about our town. They saw your video blogs on social media, Elinor. This is exactly the publicity we had hoped for. Heck, we don’t need to hire a PR firm. Not when we’ve got you.” She leaned down and kissed Elinor on the head.
Kringle squirmed beneath Bernice’s hold. Ryan reached over and rescued his dog. “I think Elle intends to make a name for herself in a bigger way.” He snuck a piece of bacon to the dog. “Chances Inlet is in her rearview window. She’s on track to do the McAlisters proud by becoming a big-time journalist in New York.”
Bernice harrumphed. “What’s wrong with being a journalist here in the town that raised her? If we can’t even get one of our own to help us, this place is doomed.”
“Don’t tell me this charming hamlet has run off all the reporters?” West asked as he sauntered into the room and headed straight for the coffee urn.