“I’ve been looking forward to this all week,” she managed to say before she was overcome with another coughing fit.

By now, a crowd had formed around them, including Hayden’s partner and her wife, the PA Elle met in the ER last week. Gabby put a hand to Livi’s forehead.

“You’re burning up,” she said. “You need to be in bed.”

“But I don’t want to miss this.” There wasn’t much bite to Livi’s protest, however. Especially when she could barely stay on her feet.

“We do this every Christmas. You can come back next year,” Hayden reassured her.

His words brought a rapturous smile to Livi’s face.

And a jealous squeeze to the pit of Elle’s stomach.

“Come on. I’ll take you back to the inn.” He tucked Livi against his side.

Elle’s stomach clenched tighter.

“Our car is only a block away.” Gabby took hold of Livi’s arm. “We’ll take her back to the inn, and I can check her out.”

“Then I’ll ride with you,” Hayden insisted.

Livi wasn’t having it. “No. Absolutely not. You stay here, Hayden. I’ll be fine. I just need to take some antihistamines and sleep it off. I’ll be as good as new for the gingerbread house-making contest tomorrow.”

“I’ll go,” Elle offered. Livi wasn’t the enemy. In fact, she was freaking adorable. Even sick. It was the least Elle could do.

“We’ve got this.” Gabby’s tone didn’t allow for arguing.

Livi smiled at Elle. “You are too sweet. But I’d rather you keep Hayden company tonight. He is your best friend, after all.”

A strange sound emerged from the back of Simone’s throat. Gabby and Hayden both glared at her. Hayden and Elle were watching them go when the crowd surged forward. The mayor stepped up to the podium.

“Holy crap. Is that your brother Ryan?” Hayden asked.

“I can’t see.” Elle stood on her tiptoes, trying to peer over the crowd. A second later, Hayden’s hands were on her waist. He lifted her six inches in the air.

It was her brother on the stage. He was dressed in the old Santa suit their father used to wear every Christmas Eve. Ryan was saying something about the suit being magic and how it helped him find his destiny. Elle was only catching bits and pieces. She was too focused on the heat of Hayden’s touch.

“Oh my God! He’s proposing,” Ginger cried from somewhere beside them.

Jane, Henry, and Kringle ran forward. The crowd cheered. Elle slowly slid back down Hayden’s body.

“Wow,” she whispered.

He held her against his chest, his arms loosely draped around her waist.

“Yeah,” he murmured, his breath fanning her ear.

Seconds later the crowd let out a loud “aah” as the tree at the end of the pier was lit up in a kaleidoscope of colored lights against the night sky. Everyone around them seemed to be moving except Hayden and Elle.

“It’s snowing!” someone shouted, eliciting more cheers from the crowd.

Elle pressed her head back against Hayden’s shoulder as she gazed up at the flurries falling from the night sky. Her cheek accidentally brushed his. They both froze for a long minute before he dropped his arms and jerked away. Elle spun around, but he was already deep into the crowd. She moved to chase him when a hand tapped her shoulder.

Xander Fisk was standing beside her wearing an impish smile. “I hear you’re the girl I need to talk to about getting some social media advertising help.”

The lineat the Java Jolt was longer than usual the following morning.

“Great. More tourists in town means more idiots doing things they shouldn’t,” Simone grumbled. “It’s going to be a long weekend.”