Simone shook her head. “Mm, mm, mm.”
Xander held his hands up. “That explains the yearlong tiff. But how do you explain kissing her now?”
Hayden dragged his hands through his hair again. “Elle called me out. She reacted exactly as Simone predicted she would.”
No surprise, Simone donned a smug smile. “You don’t say.”
“She essentially baited me into kissing her.” Not that it took much coaxing. A stronger man would have made tracks out of that storage room before he made a fool of himself.
“And it was fucking amazing, okay? Are you satisfied?” He shouted so loudly the windows rattled.
His friends looked at him like he was certifiable.
Simone blinked a few times before speaking. “Okaaay, and you’re holing yourself up in your workshop because . . .?”
Because Elle is my person. And I can’t risk losing her if this doesn’t work out.
And it wasn’t going to work out. Elle’s ultimate goal was to be worthy of the McAlister name. And he was fairly certain that meant pursuing whatVantageoffered her.
He decided right then and there that he was done holding it against her. Despite her mixed signals the other night, he knew her better than anyone else. And that meant he knew what she would choose: friendship over something more. Hayden would have to be satisfied with that.
“Because that kiss won’t lead to anything,” he explained.
Simone looked over at Xander, who wore an equally bewildered look. “What am I missing here?”
“My guess is because Elle’s life is in New York,” Xander surmised.
Hayden touched his finger to his nose.
“So? Change her mind.” Simone made it sound so easy.
He chuckled to himself. “Elle is a McAlister. McAlisters do big things. She doesn’t want to be left out of that legacy. That will always be more important than her and me. We are better off as friends.”
“Says you!” Simone shouted. “That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
Hayden sighed. “Just because there’s a spark doesn’t mean there will be a happily ever after, Simone. Chances Inlet is my home. Elle is set on making New York—or anywhere else—hers. End of story.”
The room was quiet once again. None of them bothered to bring up the option of him following Elle. They all knew that wouldn’t happen.
“So, what happens now?” Xander asked.
“I eat the sandwich my partner is holding captive, and I finish making this table,” Hayden said with more confidence than he’d felt in the past few days. “Tomorrow, I go back to work.” He reached down and squeezed Simone’s shoulder. “Elle will be back chasing her dream in New York soon. As she should. She deserves it.” He sighed. “If we pursue whatever this is, it will only mess up our friendship. And that’s too important to me to blow up.”
“Really?” Her eyes were wary. “That’s your plan?”
He nodded. “I’m finally listening to you both. I’m keeping Elle in the friend zone where she belongs. And I’m making myself available for other relationships.”
“Promise?” Simone asked.
Hayden gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze as his answer. Xander toasted him with his beer. Simone placed her hand over Hayden’s. He was grateful for these friends in his life. His and Elle’s paths may keep them apart, but he wouldn’t be alone.
“You are a genius, Elinor McAlister.”Bernice slid her arm through Elle’s as they strolled down Water Street toward the city pier the following evening. “Who says lightning doesn’t strike twice? That little dog, Kringle, brought the national spotlight to our town last year. And he did it again tonight.”
“Give credit where credit is due, Bernice,” Paige chimed in from Elle’s other side. “Elle wrote the article. You have a gift, Elle. Who knew an interview with Santa’s dog would bring in so many people for the tree lighting tonight.”