Kitty leaned back in her chair with her face drawn. “One thing led to another, and a few candles got knocked over. A fire started. It destroyed half the family’s home before it was extinguished.”

“Shit.” Everett dragged his fingers through his hair.

“Luckily, no one was injured badly. But the family who lost their house wanted someone to blame. Hayden was charged with a felony destruction of property because he threw the first punch. The arrest meant he lost a promising track scholarship to Wake Forest.

“Elle’s late father, Donald, was very influential in the county. Since Hayden was a few days shy of his eighteenth birthday when the incident happened, Donald managed to arrange a plea whereby if Hayden went into the Army, his record would be expunged upon completion of his tour. Afterward, he could go to Wake and resume his life as planned.”

Everett’s stomach dropped. “But he lost his leg while he was in Afghanistan.”

“And Claire has never stopped blaming Elle for ruining his life.”

“That’s not fair,” he argued.

“No. It’s not. But I’m not a mother. I’m told they can assume all kinds of crazy personalities when it comes to their kids.”

Curiosity got the better of him. “Did you ever want them? Kids?”

Kitty shrugged. “My husband was one of those tortured artists who wasn’t very good at taking care of himself. Theo wouldn’t have been much help in the child-rearing area. And, well, I already had him to take care of.” She looked over at where Hayden was finishing his game of darts. “I’ve enjoyed watching Hayden and his sister grow up. As long as I have them in my life, it will be enough.”

He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “They are lucky to have you, too.”

Gidget is lucky to have Hayden in hers, as well.


“I toldyou that sweater would look fantastic on you.” Tatum’s smile was smug. “I’m gifting it to you as a thank-you for helping me with my social media ads today.”

“Wait, what?” Ginger nearly spilled her espresso martini. “You’re helping Tatum with her social media? Can you help me, too? The studio could use a boost. Ever since the local paper shut down, we get no coverage about our recitals, much less our class offerings. I’ll be lucky if anyone but family shows up forThe Nutcrackerlater this month.”

“Of course,” Elle replied offhandedly. She was resisting the urge to suck down her Long Island iced tea. Given how this evening had been going, she’d be justified in getting a good drunk on.

She’d be damned if she lost her head over a stupid guy again, though. Hayden’s mother, well, that was another story. Except even Claire Lovell wasn’t worth the pain that would follow.

Elle tracked Hayden as he moved toward one of the pool tables. Her stomach clenched as she recalled his earlier comments. What had she done to make him so angry with her about living in New York? Or was it simply that he was mad about dropping out of the Turkey Trot? Because that was his choice. She hadn’t encouraged his white knight act the other day. And he was being a little childish if that was what had him acting like a jerk. Now Elle was angry because, really, she hadn’t done anything to warrant his surly attitude. She might have been the catalyst for his life getting derailed ten years ago, but she was tired of shouldering the blame for everything else.

Hayden handed off his pool cue and headed to the back of the bar. Out of the corner of her eye, Elle saw Bernice winding her way purposely through the crowd, headed straight for her. Word had probably already spread about the help she was giving Tatum. Bernice likely wanted to get in on the action, too.

Elle set her drink on the table and slipped past Ginger. “I’ll be right back,” she said to no one in particular.

She headed away from Bernice, moving toward the restrooms at the back of the bar. It took her a hot minute to navigate through the crowd. She arrived just as Hayden was coming out of the men’s room. Elle barely stopped herself before she plowed into his chest. The peeved expression he wore when he saw her was her undoing.

“We need to talk,” she said as she wrapped her fingers around his arm and tugged him into the storage closet.

“What the hell is going on with you?” he demanded when she closed the door behind them.

“That’s exactly what I’m wondering about you?”

There wasn’t much room to maneuver in the tight space. With barely a foot between them, his scent was everywhere, soapy and fresh. And, dear God, was he wearing cologne? She couldn’t quite place the fragrance, but it suited him perfectly.

“Nothing is going on with me. Except for my date could be arriving any time now while I’m back here arguing with you about who knows what.”

Livi.She’d forgotten all about Livi. Was he disappointed that the evening wasn’t going the way he’d planned? Or was he worried about her safety? Of course, he was. His reaction was the same the other day when she got injured. She’d been thinking his over-the-top response was for her. But he would have behaved that way for anyone who needed help. That was who Hayden was. His foul mood had nothing to do with Elle.

She mentally smacked herself. “I’m sorry. I just had the impression you were angry with me about something. It makes sense that you’re stressing about Livi.”

He closed his eyes and heaved a sigh. “I’m sorry about the way my mom treats you, Elle. She has no right to blame you for everything.” He lifted his lids. “I’m not angry with you. For anything.”

Elle heard the inflection he put on the word “you.” It should have doused her fears. Only it didn’t.