He’d spoken with Uncle Theo’s brother Cam this morning. Cam had agreed to allow Hayden to continue with his commissioned work while he was also creating pieces for his store. The profit share he was offering was decent. Living in New York would be tight, but Elle lived rent free in one of Gavin’s lofts, which meant a cost savings to start. Hayden didn’t feel right about that long-term, though. Once they got on their feet, they’d find another option.

“All systems are go,” he told Simone.

“Have you told the sheriff?”

“Not yet. I’ll tell him tomorrow. My mom and dad are going to my sister’s house in Lumberton tonight. I’m having Christmas dinner with the McAlisters.”

Simone snorted. “That’s fortuitous. You can delay the inevitable for a few more days. She’s not going to take it well.”

His palms began to sweat just thinking about that conversation. “My aunt insists my mom will be okay with it.”

“Ha! Your aunt is riding high with newlywed bliss, Hayden. I’m not sure I’d trust anything coming out of her mouth these days.”

“One step at a time. I need your help tonight, though.”

Simone shot him a side-eye. “I am not helping you down Elle McAlister’s chimney, Dirty Santa. No way. No how.”

“For crying out loud, Simone.” Hayden shook his head. “Could you be serious?”

“What am I saying? You’re Captain America. You don’t need my help,” she joked.

The high school marching band played “White Christmas” as they marched by. Hayden and Simone paused to let them pass before crossing the street.

“That’s the closest this town is going to get to a white Christmas,” she remarked with a laugh. She linked her arm through his as they walked toward the gazebo. “What’s the favor you need from me?”

“I’m taking my dinner break at midnight. I’m going to meet Elle here.” He gestured to the gazebo. “I want to tell her my plan. It’s her Christmas gift from me.”

“And you want me to stand guard in case she’s really grateful?” She held up her hands when he growled. “Kidding! You want me to keep the area clear in case someoneelsehas the same romantic idea?”

“Exactly. Thank you.”

“Oh, don’t thank me yet. I didn’t agree not to listen in.”

A little boy lost his grip on his balloon. Simone raced ahead and snagged it for him. She turned toward Hayden and executed a perfect curtsy.

“Admit it. You’re going to miss all this fabulousness.” She waved her hand from her head to her toes. “They don’t make ’em like me in New York.”

Hewasgoing to miss her. “Thank goodness,” he quipped.

She nudged his shoulder. “I’m proud of you for listening to your heart. You and Elle are going to be so happy.”

Hayden hoped so.

“Hey, you two!” Tatum called from the bakery. “I have some eggnog cake here with your names on it.”

“Now I know you’ll missthatwhen you go. Because I love you, I’ll be sure to mail you some next Christmas,” Simone said as she strolled in the direction of the Queen of Hearts Bakery.

“How about you bring me some when you and Gabby visit?”

She smiled up at him. “It’s a deal.”

Elle was running on adrenaline.She’d been up most of the night formulating a plan. Now it was time to execute it. She schlepped the heavy box into the study. With the exception of Kitty and West, the inn’s guest suites were occupied by the McAlister family for Christmas Eve. It was a tradition Elle’s mom intended to continue until there was no more room at the inn. Given how they kept adding family members, she’d need to build a stable in the backyard to house some of them.

West appeared in the doorway. “You wanted a word?”

“I did. You didn’t think you could just gift me your wife’s journals and I wouldn’t have thoughts, did you?”

He laughed as he closed the door behind him and sat down in one of the chairs. “Gidget has thoughts?” He pressed his hand to his chest. “Say it isn’t so.”