Page 57 of Seduced By Contract

I turn around to face him, but he doesn't let me go, keeping me protected in that fortress of muscle. "You're not going to support me."

"Nobody mentioned supporting you. This is about your future. You told me you danced at SIN out of necessity, but is that what you want to do forever?"

"No. I'm going back to studying. I want to major in fashion."

"To become a designer?"

"Um . . . not in the sense of creating clothes. I'm thinking of opening a company that offers personal stylist services to people with lower incomes like me. Poor women also want to look beautiful, and there are several stores with great prices. You just need to know how to put the right combinations together, and everyone can dress well."

He looks at me for a while before saying, "Have you looked into any colleges?"

"Several, but right now it's impossible. I have to wait for Brooklyn to wake up."

"I'd like to help."

"With what?"

"With everything, but first, with your sister."


"I can arrange for a specialist to make sure everything that can be done is being done."

"You would do that?" I don't even try to hide how fast my heart is beating.

It might be my imagination, but the powerful Zeus Kostanidis seems somewhat awkward.

"I'm a problem-solver. Now that you've told me about your sister, I want to make sure she's receiving the best treatment. And another thing. Regarding the person or people who hurt her, do you know who they are?"

"They've been arrested. She's not in danger anymore."

"I'd also like to provide a family law specialist to handle the custody issue with your niece and nephew. Just in case that social worker comes up with something else to bother you about."

"Why are you offering me so much? It's not part of our agreement."

"You were the one who proposed an agreement. I wanted you, contract or not."

"It's the same thing. I just put it in writing. But you didn't answer my question: why are you going above and beyond to help me?"

"We're going to spend six months together, Madison. I don't know what kind of man you think I am. I have more flaws than good qualities, but I take care of what's mine, and while you're with me, you're mine."



Next day

About an hour ago,I dropped Madison off at the hospital to visit her sister.

Almost immediately afterward, Dionysus messaged me saying that I was welcome to have lunch at his house, as my other brothers would be there.

However, I was surprised when I arrived and found Christos—who said he was passing through New York—and Odin.

It's not very common for all of us to gather at the same time, especially because both my cousins have families. Furthermore, Christos's main residence is in North Carolina. He rarely comes to New York, and that tells me this meeting was planned.

What the hell is happening?

"It isn't a coincidence that you're all here," I say after embracing them, not wanting to beat around the bush.