Page 53 of Seduced By Contract

I pull out of her and bend her over the table, parting her plump cheeks. I come on her ass, and I go crazy when I see my cum sliding down into her untouched entrance.

With my finger, I gather a bit of sperm and tease her entrance.

She doesn't try to escape but tightens around me.

I lean back and whisper in her ear, "I want everything with you."

She turns on the table, unabashed, showing herself to me, giving me a full view of her perfect body.

"I want you to do everything with me."



"Tell me about your family.You mentioned having a sister. Does she live with you?"

We're in the hot tub, relaxing. I thought it would be a good idea because she must be sore, even if she doesn't want to admit it.

She's positioned herself in front of me, somewhat distant. Her back is against the steps of the tub. Her head is thrown back, eyes closed, but I know she's not asleep. Madison is even more restless than I am, and after the sex on the table, we're both too wired to fall asleep.

"Why do you want to know about my life? I only have problems, Zeus. Few good things and no glamorous stories."

"Tell me."

She sighs and opens her eyes. "My mom left my dad when we were little. No one could blame her. I hope God has him in a good place, but he was a pathological liar."

"Was he cheating on her?"

"If you mean with women, I don't think so, but there are other ways to betray people. Like lying, for example. He gambledand spent everything he had, and even things he didn't. I'm not defending her, because I would never abandon my kids, but he wasn't a saint."

"And what happened?"

"She left, and shortly after, she passed away. It seems she had cancer when she left us."

None of this is said while looking into my eyes. She's making small circles in the water with the tip of her finger, as if she's traveling to a very distant past.

"We were raised by him. Well,raisedis an overstatement. The state thought we were being raised by him, but in reality, ever since I can remember, it was just me and Brooklyn."

"Your sister."

"Yeah. When Dad came home and had money in his pocket, it was a joy. Presents, delicious food, and we always thought that this time, happiness would last."

"But that wasn't what happened."

She shakes her head from side to side. "After a while, we stopped believing in him and his empty promises. We never had company for birthdays or even Christmas. We had to learn to rely on ourselves."

"And your stepmother?"

"She's wonderful, but by the time she came to live with us, we were . . .”


"Damaged beyond repair. Neither I nor my sister know how to trust."

"You trust me."

"With regard to us," she replies without hesitation. "And our agreement."