* When I did research for this book, I found reports of real cases where patients sat up, even though they were in a coma.
Wedding day
"If you walka few more steps, you'll wear right through the fucking floor, Zeus," Ares mocks.
"I'm just a little anxious."
"A little?" Christos laughs. "Yeah. We've been through this, cousin," he says, nodding towards Odin.
"It's time," Dionysus warns, and my blood boils.
In a few minutes, my Madison and I will officially become husband and wife in front of the world.
I head outside into the garden of the house we just bought, without noticing the guests. A heated structure has been set up because the weather is still cold but Madison didn't want to get married in a church. She has not converted to my religion, so we’ll be married by a justice of the peace and receive a blessing from a priest from the Orthodox church, since she doesn't subscribe to a particular faith.
Despite this, as it's the same celebrant who was at my cousins' weddings, we'll follow all the rites of my church, including the ritual of the bride and groom's coronation.
It's one of the most important steps in an Orthodox wedding. Each of us will receive a golden crown, which symbolizes honor in marriage. The godparents cross them on the heads of the future spouses, holding a candle and the ribbon that joins the crowns, in a procession around the altar. Then the bride and groom drink wine from the same glass and go around theanalóithree times counterclockwise, which is the table where the Greek Gospel and the cross are located. The priest will guide us, carrying incense which is used to purify the sacred objects on the table.
The wedding music starts playing, but I only have eyes for the beautiful woman who comes towards me.
My sassy girl, sexy dancer,sugar baby, my love. My only.
She was going to walk down the aisle alone, but I decide to meet her halfway so we can walk hand-in-hand, because that's how our whole lives will be.
Together, side by side.
We may stumble several times, we may occasionally fall into holes, but always and forever, we’ll do it together.
"S'agapo, Madison," I say as soon as I reach her, breaking protocol and kissing her with the usual hunger.
"I love you too, my Zeus."
"It's a surprise!" she shouts from the bathroom of our suite on my island in Greece, and I shake my head and smile, sitting on the bed.
Madison teased me the entire flight, in every way possible, but she didn't allow us to go beyond a kiss. Now I'm here, horny and waiting to see what she's going to do.
The bathroom door opens, and with the lamp light on, I can get a good view of my goddess.
I knew that whatever she was planning, the night would be a delight, because Madison, who has always been a real wildcat in bed, has had an insatiable sexual appetite since she got pregnant. However, nothing’s prepared me for the pink and black lingerie with bows and ruffles. She’s tied her hair in braids on either side of her shoulders.
And the crowning achievement of it all is her belly, round with our babies.
I get up and walk towards her. "Jesus, woman, you make me feel like a pervert, but you look so hot with that innocent face."
"I'm giving you asugar baby bonus. Only for special customers."
"I never know what to expect from you, Madison. I think that's what fascinated me from the beginning."
"Is that a compliment?"