"What is all this? Why are there so many people in here?" the woman asks.
"Let me introduce you, ma'am. This is Dr. Rimes, my fiancée's attorney regarding child custody." I open the door forthem to enter, and the woman's discomfort, which was already obvious, only increases when she sees my brothers and also my company's lawyer, Hector.
"I want to see the babies," she says, trying to hide her nervousness.
“Not so fast, ma'am,” Rimes says. "Maybe you can answer some questions first."
"I don't have to answer anything. I work for the government, and I answer only to it. My role is to ensure the wellbeing of children. Based on what has been in the newspapers, Miss Foster is unable to maintain temporary custody of the minors. I'm going torecommend to the judge that they be put in foster care. Of course, it won't be anything permanent for now, only a temporary home, where I'm sure they'll be better off than with a prost?—"
"Be careful," I warn. "You're in the presence of two lawyers and several witnesses. Offend Madison and you have my word you'll work for the rest of your life to pay her compensation."
The doorbell rings again, and this time, when Eleanor opens the door, there is a man, a complete stranger, who also looks like a lawyer, and to everyone's surprise, including me, three police officers.
"What is happening?" I ask.
It's Rimes who responds. "This lady has been under investigation for months. Several of the children she recommended for foster care have disappeared from the system. They were never heard from again."
"What? You can't accuse me of something like that! I'm a government agent!"
The man who introduces himself as Grysson, and who Rimes explains is a district attorney, steps forward. "No, you are a cancer within our institution, using your position to separate families. Your role was to ensure the wellbeing of children, notto take those who are already without their parents from their remaining family." He turns back and tells the officers, "Do your job, guys."
The men step forward, and one of them says, "Mirtes Prates, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, the state will provide one for you . . .”
As everyone in the room looks in shock as the woman who represented Madison's nightmare incarnate is arrested, my girl comes over to me. It may be out of turn, but she's smiling, and fuck social conventions, because it's the most beautiful smile in the world.
"We did it."
"I told you no one would take your niece and nephew away."
The police officers are already leaving with the social worker in handcuffs when Madison asks, "Can I have a few words with her?"
The men look at the prosecutor, who nods.
"Madison," Eleanor calls.
"Just a moment, Mom." she walks closer to the handcuffed woman. "You made my life hell for months. Even knowing that my sister was in a coma and that I did everything possible to take care of my family, you didn't spare me from your cruelty, because now we both know that the problem was never how much I had in the bank, right? I hope you stay in prison for a long time and pay for all the harm you caused us and other families. As for me, I regret being only nineteen, or I would open a bottle of champagne tonight to celebrate your downfall.”
Once she’s finished, she re-enters the house, walking towards the twins' room.
"Are you sure there's no Greek in her?" Hades asks, laughing, as soon as Eleanor closes the door.
Half an hour later, the lawyers are gone but not my brothers. Eleanor made sure to serve cake and coffee to everyone.
It's strange for us to have an older woman present, organizing and telling us where everyone should sit. We have become accustomed to managing our lives without a female figure.
"Come for lunch next Sunday,” she tells us all. “I love cooking, and I have no one to do it for."
Madison arrives hand-in-hand with the twins, who look a little scared, probably because there are so many strange people in the house. When they see me, however, they break into huge smiles, and I feel so fucking good that they see me as someone they trust.
I walk over to where the three of them are, and taking the babies in my arms, I kiss my woman. "Happy?"
She opens her arms, embracing the three of us. "Very much so. I'll never be able to thank you for what you did. They are my life."
"And you are mine, but I know a way you can pay that debt."
"Anything, Zeus."
I place the twins on the floor and kneel down. "Madison Foster, I fell in love with you the day you danced..."