After I hang up, I say to him, "I still think we should go back to my place. You have no idea what kind of mess these two can make."
"I have a nephew."
"You do?"
"Yes. A little older than your sister's kids, but I think around this age, it doesn't make that much of a difference."
"Do you spend time with him?"
"No. I didn't get along with my sister-in-law, to put it mildly. Only after she passed away a few months ago did I start going to my brother's house again."
"I didn't want to offend you or seem ungrateful when I said it would be better to go back home, but they're tireless, especially in a different environment."
"It's no problem. I can handle it."
I hide a smile.
He has no idea what he's getting himself into.
"Are they like this every day?"
"No," she answers, laughing. "They were quite calm today."
"It takes them about two hours to wind down after we take them to the playground."
"And suddenly, they just switch off like their batteries ran out?"
Her smile grows. "Exactly."
"And it happened almost at the same time. Incredible. It's like they have some secret code they use to tell each other to shut down."
"I'm not sure if it's true, but they say twins have a unique connection. I believe it because sometimes I think Soraya and Silas communicate through their gaze."
I nod, agreeing, as I observe the little ones lying on a blanket on the floor of my living room, surrounded by scattered toys. "Do they miss their mother?" I ask.
"I don't know. They were very young when the tragedy happened, but they definitely missed the food. We had to feedthem formula because Brooklyn was still breastfeeding them when she got injured."
"I talked to my brothers today, and I already have a neurologist lined up to take care of her case. According to them, he's the top specialist in the United States."
"And will he accept the job?"
"He lives here in New York, and Hades will personally ask him to oversee her case. However, we might have to transfer her. My brother told me that Athanasios only works at his family's hospital, but if it makes you feel more at ease, he's the most reputable neurologist in New York."
"Is he Greek too?"
"Yes. I think we're trying to invade the United States, and maybe one day we'll succeed."
"You're making jokes now, Mr. Kostanidis?"
"Never, but I don't like seeing that discouragement on your face."
"You got it wrong. I'm not discouraged, just thoughtful. Since we're moving to the island, it will be easier to visit her if she's here too. That way, when she wakes up, I'll be notified right away."