“And your ass takes my fingers so well. Such a good fucking girl.” My fingers work faster, circling her clit and spearing her ass in sync.
Her muttering and mumbling is interspersed with blurts of giggles that make my chest expand with warmth.
It’s the scream I’ve been waiting for. A feral, raw, free wail that bursts from her body, sending her back into the perfect arch as all her muscles spasm through an orgasm that threatens to rip her soul from her body.
“Good girl, Half-Pint. Don’t stop. Keep coming for Daddy, okay? Daddy needs all your cum.”
She seems to enjoy when I refer to myself as Daddy, and the more I play with the word in my mouth, the deeper into this scene I get with this woman, the more natural it feels. Ishould have predicted she’d identify as a Little, but I never in my life imagined I’d be considering letting someone call me Daddy beyond the first time.
Her legs tremble, her body quakes, and another wave of pleasure rolls through her body. Everything tenses, her muscles gripping my fingers in a vise making it damn near impossible to fuck her with my fingers. When the second orgasm hits, she’s silent, head flung back in ecstasy as cum trickles from her sopping wet and slick pussy for me.
There’s nothing about this moment I’d change, even if I was with the most experienced submissive, there’s literally nothing that could make this scene any better.
Talia’s body sags into the bed, but with the restraints, she can’t relax. Pressing my hand between her shoulder blades, I try to re-center myself. I shouldn’t get caught up in this woman, but it’s too late. I’m feeling feelings, I want to take care of her, and I want to see her again beyond this forced situation due to the weather.
I want to explore this new dynamic to see if once the snow thaws, it’ll be as potent, as consuming as it is right now.
“Easy, baby girl. I’ll get you out of those cuffs, okay?”
“Yes, Daddy.” It’s mumbled through a yawn. My girl is understandably exhausted.
I release her arms and legs, throwing the apparatuses across the room onto my bag instead of taking time to put them away, they can wait. She barely moves when I take the blindfold off, or when I go into the bathroom to run a washcloth under warm water to clean her up.
It’s only a few minutes, but when I’m done, I work her into one of my t-shirts that falls down below her knees and scoop her into my arms.
The damp patch hasn’t made it through the bedspread, so I settle in under the blanket, curling myself around her and talking to her even though she’s pretty out of it.
“You did so well, baby girl.” I dot kisses on her forehead, stroking the cool, soft skin on her thighs. “Take a nap, okay? We’ll get you in the bath in a while when you wake up.”
She reaches up like she’s trying to grab onto my shirt, but I’m not wearing one. Everything about her draws something strange and new from inside me. I’ve never been a nurturer, I’ve never sought out the company of someone else. I’ve never wanted to be anything than by myself.
Caitlin was like me, it’s why we worked so well together. We enjoyed each other’s company when it suited us both, but for the most part, we simply existed in the same space. It brought a deep contentment to our short-lived marriage. Finding someone who didn’t want inane prattle, or to talk about stupid shit.
This isn’t that. This is different. Talia and I are not only from two different worlds, but we’re complete opposites of each other. Would that even work in a relationship?
I guess the only thing to do… is to find out.
Chapter Eighteen
When I wake up, it feels like I’ve slept for a month.
“Shhhh. Easy, baby girl.” Jagger’s hand holds me tight against him, stroking the skin on my arm as he holds his book in the other hand, off to the side of the bed. I have no idea how he’s turning the pages, or how he even reached his glasses and book if I’ve been on top of him this whole time, but I’m too sleepy to ask.
“You doing okay?”
I nod, nestling my head back into the crook between his head and shoulder. “Mmmhmm.”
“Good. You did so well for me, Half-Pint. I’m so proud of you.”
It’s hard to describe the way his praise lands when he says it. I’ve never had someone’s words seep into my skin and bed so deeply inside my whole being. It’s a similar feeling to stepping into a warm home after being out in the snow, and basking in the glow of the heat.
My mouth is dry, throat raw, and I need a shower.
“If you keep wriggling like that, you’re going to end up uncomfortable.”
The growing hardness under my behind confirms what he’s saying.