I can’t lie still. Between his protruding... extension, and the heat pooling between my legs, my body keeps twitching. My nipples are making a bid for freedom through all the layers of clothing—like the princess and the pea I can feel them poking through my shirt.
I’m not sure if embarrassment or lust is winning, but my whole body prickles with sweat. If I wasn’t so cold I’d kick him back to his own bed, or another room, but in truth, I’m kinda freaked out by spending the night in a dungeon and don’t really want to be alone.
He grunts.
“Can’t you make it go away?”
“Not without making a mess.”
I can hear the smirk in his voice, it sends a shiver snaking up each bone in my spine making me squirm.
“Like that idea do you, Half-Pint?”
My stupid body’s betraying me, even in the darkness.
“We could take care of number nine on your list together.”
#9 Mutual masturbation
Blinking, I’m not sure I’ve heard him right. Did he suggest we both...?
He grunts again, and I squeak, scooting closer to the edge of the bed, the silky soft sheets making it easy to slide. His chuckle is savage, and once again I feel like I’m food for a predator, and he’s messing with me before biting my head off.
“We don’t even have to turn the light on if you don’t want to. But I have to admit, Half-Pint.” His breath is on my face again, his voice so close to my ear it’s sending waves of goosebumps all over my body. “I’d love to see you finger that tight little cunt of yours.”
The moan slips out between my lips before I can cover my mouth with both hands. Am I more embarrassed that he heard it? Or that it happened at all? The way he’s speaking shouldn’t turn me on, but we nowbothknow it is most definitely getting me aroused.
His tongue tickles the shell of my ear. In the darkness, the slight touch is heightened and I feel it everywhere, my nipples, my chest, between my legs, and all the way down to my toes. “Do your steamy books have safewords, Talia?”
I nod.
“Out loud, Half-Pint.”
“Good. If you decide you want to play with me, we’ll need a safeword. You should start thinking about one.”
“Unicorn.” It’s almost inaudible, but the room is so quiet he picks it up.
“Unicorn. I like it.”
He said we could do it in the dark, I don’t even have to turn the lights on or take my clothes off. And I already know squeezing my legs together isn’t doing a darn thing to ease the ache shimmering inside me.
What happens in the weird kinky dungeon, stays in the weird kinky dungeon, right?
The heat under the blankets is unbearable. And also largely imaginary. It’s cold. It’s freezing outside, and the room is cold, but the heat from my core is warming up the space between us, between the sheets, at an unbelievable pace.
This is new and improved Talia. Blue haired, strong spine, confident Talia. And a beautiful man has told me he’s turned on by me. That’s a heady, empowering feeling.
My fingers glide across my stomach, hesitating at the waistband of my pants. The battle between pushing my parent’s and pastor’s words out of my mind and succumbing to the desire building in my core is consuming.
“There’s no one here but us.”
I know that. Every time he speaks, his warm breath dances across my skin.
“After tomorrow you never have to see me again.”