Page 42 of Obey

When he dots a soft kiss on the inside of my knee, he follows it up with a nip of his teeth that makes me yelp.

“What on earth are you doing, Talia?” Harry’s impatience is growing. If I’m lucky, it’ll grow quicker, and he’ll leave me the heck alone to enjoy whatever it is Jagger’s about to do to me.


He goes back to talking. Jagger grins and my insides almost explode from the sheer beauty of the man. He kisses again, a little higher, and again, higher still. If he keeps this up he’s going to—a gasp escapes me. Oh, no, no, no. He can’t put his tongue there when I’m on a call with Harry. He can’t. Can he?

“I know, right? Can you believe they won’t let me buy a new car?” Harry’s prattling on in my ear, but my focus is on the fact Jagger is staring at my crotch like he’s about to eat the best dessert in town.

“What’s your safeword, Half-Pint?” It’s a husky whisper. Harry’s talking so loud there’s no way he heard it.

“Unicorn.” I mouth back at him.

He scowls, his gorgeous face contorting. I can’t help giggling.

“It’s not funny, Talia.” Harry scolds me. Not having the faintest idea what I’m truly laughing at. But if he thinks I’m laughing at him throwing a tantrum because he’s not allowed to buy another new car, what do I care?

I mute the call. “Unicorn.”

“Good girl.” The satisfaction smooths out the wrinkled crankiness on Jagger’s face. “Are you okay for me to continue?”

There’s a piece of me wanting to say no. It’s small. And for all the wrong reasons. I’m on the phone with Harry. It’s rude. But the allure of having Jagger be sexual with me while I’m on the phone to another person, especially Harry, is strong. So I nod.

“Use your words, Talia.” The sternness in his voice would make me wet if I wasn’t already soaking.

“Yes,sir.” It’s what all the girls in the books say, so why shouldn’t I try it?

I unmute Captain Chats-too-much—which is ironic coming from me—and when Jagger grips my knees and jerks me across the bed toward his face, I immediately regret that decision.

“Talia? Talia? What the hell’s going on over there? It’s like you’re not even paying attention to me.”

“Harry, now isn’t a good time.”

Jagger dips a finger between my lips. He’s probably seeing if I’m wet, though how he couldn’t see that by looking at it is anyone’s guess. The squelchy noise I make down there makes me groan. My face is hot, I cover my eyes with my forearm.

“But I need to talk to you.”

When Jagger’s finger skims across my clit, I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from letting the noises out that are building inside me.

“I have nothing to say to you, Harry.”

Jagger hums, curling his arms around my thighs like he’s settling in for the entire night and buries his face between my legs. Oh. My. Goodness. From the second his tongue connects with my sensitive skin, my body tingles all over.

“Well I have things to say to you, Talia. We need to fix this. To sort things out between us, for both our family’s sakes.”

I can’t help the urge to hold Jagger’s head right where it is, and there’s a tickle of surprise when he lets me. He doesn’t have hair for me to hold onto, it’s buzzed short against his head, but I press him against me all the same.

“Talia? Talia? Are you listening to me?”

It’s as though Harry’s moved further away, like, down a corridor or something. He’s growing more distant.

In this moment, Jagger owns me. With each sweep of his tongue against my clit he’s not even driving me closer to release, he’s commanding it. This man knows what he’s doing. His licks are firm, paced, rhythmic, and my body shivers and jerks in response.

I’m going to draw blood if I bite my lip much longer.

“Talia? Are you...? Talia? What the fuck are you doing?” Harry’s almost shouting through the phone.

“Harry, I told you it’s not a good time.” Not for Harry at least.