I watch as Denis ushers Lisa, Callie, and Melissa into his car, my heart clenching as Lisa looks back at me one last time before getting in, her eyes filled with tears. The moment they're out of sight, I turn back to the grim scene before us.
Freddie is still cradling Ava's body, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Danny kneels beside him, a hand on his shoulder offering support.
Two hours later and the place is crawling with police. They’ve been asking questions, demanding to know why their witnesses have gone, but after Jer unleashes his anger, they shut the fuck up and get to work.
“We need to find out who the fuck did this,” Jer growls.
“Why take out Ava?” Emmanuel asks. “I mean, no offence to her, but she’s not dating any of the men. Yes, she means a fucking lot to Freddie, but if you’re wanting to hurt someone, you’d take out a wife or significant other.”
I can’t lie, the thought has run through my mind a few times since Lisa went home. As sick as it is, I’m fucking glad it wasn’t my woman who was shot. I’d lose my ever-loving mind if it were.
“The calling card means something,” Danny hisses. “Someone’s left us a message.”
“The Ace of Hearts? It means nothing to me,” Jer snaps agitatedly. “It doesn’t make sense.”
No, it doesn’t, but then again, taking Ava out doesn’t either. “Where’s Freddie?” I ask, glancing around and seeing that he’s nowhere in sight.
“Fuck,” Jer growls. “I’m on it, don’t worry. You all go home and keep the women safe. We don’t know who did this or when they’ll strike again.”
I nod grimly, my jaw clenched tight. The thought of someone targeting Lisa or Callie makes my blood boil. "We need to increase security," I say, my voice low and filled with anger. "Around the clock protection for all of them."
Emmanuel nods in agreement. "I'll make some calls and get our best men on it."
"Good," Jer says, his eyes scanning the area one last time. "Go home, all of you. We'll regroup tomorrow.”
As I make my way to my car, my mind races with possibilities. Who could be behind this? Why Ava? And what the hell does the Ace of Hearts mean? One thing's for sure, whoever did this has made a grave mistake. They've awoken a beast in Freddie, and he’s not alone. We’re a family, and we won't rest until we've hunted them down.
I drive to my parents’ house as that’s where Denis brought the women. Danny’s in the passenger's side on the phone to Melissa, who’s been scanning the local security cameras to see if she can come up with anything.
"Anything?" I ask Danny as he hangs up the phone.
He shakes his head, frustration evident on his features. "Nothing yet. Melissa's still combing through the footage, but so far, no clear shots of the shooter or any suspicious vehicles."
I grip the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles turning white. The lack of leads is infuriating. Someone out there knows something, and I'm determined to find out who.
As we pull up to my parents' house, I see Lisa waiting on the porch, wrapped in a blanket. The moment I step out of the car, she's running toward me. I catch her in my arms, holding her close as she buries her face in my chest.
"Thank God you're okay," she whispers, her voice muffled against my shirt.
I stroke her hair, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "I'm right here, baby. I'm okay."
Lisa pulls back slightly, her eyes searching my face. "What happened? Did you find out anything?"
I shake my head, frustration evident in my voice. "Not much. Whoever did this knew what they were doing. They left almost no trace."
Lisa's eyes widen with fear. "But why? Why Ava? It doesn't make any sense."
"I know, baby. We're trying to figure that out." I cup her face in my hands, my thumbs gently wiping away the tears that have started to fall. "But right now, I need you to focus on staying safe. We're increasing security for everyone."
Lisa nods, her lower lip trembling. "Okay. What about Freddie? How is he?"
I sigh heavily. "Freddie's... not good," I say, choosing my words carefully. "He's disappeared. Jer's looking for him now."
Lisa's eyes widen with concern. "Oh no. Should we be out looking for him too?"
I shake my head firmly. "No, baby. It's not safe. Jer will find him. Right now, we need to focus on keeping everyone protected until we figure out what's going on."
We make our way inside, where my parents, Callie, and Melissa are waiting anxiously. My mother immediately pulls Lisa and me into a tight embrace.