Page 61 of The Cleaner

Lisa grins, a mischievous glint in her eye. "We can always continue later," she says, stepping backwards and reaching for her purse that’s on the sofa.

I groan, adjusting myself in my trousers. "You're killing me, woman."

She laughs, and the sound is music to my ears. I love seeing her like this, carefree and happy. This is all that I want. Her like this, happy and smiling.

I keep her hand in mine as we walk out of her house and toward my car. She keeps her head down as we walk, and I fucking hate how nervous she is. As I open the door for her, I notice her hands trembling slightly. Once we're both inside, I turn to her before starting the engine. "Hey," I say softly, taking her hand in mine. "It’ll be okay.”

She takes a deep breath and nods. “I just want to make a good impression. I want them to like me.”

"They will," I assure her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "How could they not? You're fucking amazing."

Lisa gives me a small smile, but I can see the doubt lingering in her eyes. I lean in and kiss her softly. I fucking hate just how much she doubts herself. She rarely shows her vulnerability and only when we’re alone. She trusts me. I’m fucking glad that I earned her trust and that she’s comfortable to show me how she truly feels, but I know the moment we step into my uncle’s home, she’ll plaster on a fake smile and show everyone that she’s fine, when she’ll be anything but.

As we pull away from her house, I can feel the tension in her body. I don't know how to help her. I wish I didn’t have to bring her, but I know that she wants to come, and everyone’s dying to see her. I keep one hand on the wheel and the other intertwined with hers, my thumb tracing soothing circles on her skin.

As we approach the gates of Uncle Jer's property, I feel Lisa's hand tighten around mine. The driveway is already lined up with cars. It wasn’t that long ago that part of it was blown up thanks to that motherfucker Thomas Grace. He kidnapped both Jessica and Callie. He deserved the horrific death he suffered for what he did to Jessica.

“Breathe, baby,” I say softly and listen to her suck in some oxygen.

Parking my car at the side of the house that’s reserved for family only, I squeeze her hand reassuringly before stepping out of the car and moving around to open her door. She takes a deep breath before stepping out, smoothing her dress nervously.

"You've got this," I whisper, placing a gentle kiss on her temple. She gives me a small smile, but I can see the fear still lingering in her eyes.

As we step through the door, I feel Lisa's grip on my hand tighten, but the fear is gone from her eyes and she’s got a big bright smile on her face.

The foyer is packed with people, all dressed to the nines. I scan the room, looking for familiar faces. I spot Stephen andJessica near Callie and Denis. I don’t hesitate; I make my way over to them, knowing that Callie will instantly put Lisa at ease.

“Maverick,” Callie says loud enough to be heard over the music. “You’re here. Lisa, it’s so good to see you again. How are you?”

I can feel some of the tension leaving her body as Callie speaks to her. “I’m good. How are you?” she asks, and is surprised as my sister steps forward and pulls her into an embrace.

“I’m good, thanks, hon. Have you met my husband, Denis?” she asks, pulling back from the hug. I tug Lisa’s hand and press against her as Lisa shakes her head. “Denny, this is Maverick’s girlfriend, Lisa. Lisa, this is my husband, Denis,” she introduces them.

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Denis grins. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Same,” she says softly.

“This is Stephen,” I tell her, pointing at the man. “And his wife, who is also our cousin, Jessica.”

“Hey,” Lisa says, and I watch Jess’ eyes soften as she takes my woman in. “It’s really nice to meet you.”

“And you. I know that Stephen and the other guys have been dying to meet you,” Jess says with a small grin. “Do you want a drink?”

“I’ll get you one,” I tell her, pressing a kiss to her head. “Stay here with Callie, okay?”

I get a nod from Lisa as both Stephen and Denis say the same thing to their wives. Once they agree, we head toward the makeshift bar Jer has organised for the evening.

“You good?” Denis asks. “I know a little from what Jer told me about Lisa’s situation. You know if you ever need anything, I’m only a call away.”

One of the great things about having a brother-in-law who is the head of the Irish Mafia is having him on speed dial whenever I need him. “Appreciate that,” I mutter.

“Let’s try and not have a repeat of the last time,” he says, giving Stephen a pointed look. When shit went down with Jessica, Stephen didn’t want anyone else involved. He’s a paranoid fucker and I get it. It’s hard to know who to trust when the woman you love is in danger.

“There won’t be,” I assure him. I won’t let Lisa out of my fucking sight.

We order the drinks and rejoin the women, all of whom are deep in conversation. Lisa smiles up at me as I hand her a glass. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of my parents making their way toward us. Shit, I was hoping we'd have more time before this moment.

"Mav," my da's deep voice calls out as he approaches, my mam at his side. "There you are, Son."