"Yes. Did you have to leave a fucking red ribbon on the noose?" he says, his tone more serious than I've ever heard it.
"That was your fault," I hiss. "You said he’d think I was leaving him presents. So that’s what I did.”
Laughter fills the line. “Christ, Lisa, I didn’t expect you to do that. Don’t worry, Maverick took the ribbon. He’s on the warpath though. You’ve only fuelled him to find out who’s doing it.”
I sigh. I knew it would. “So, what happens now?”
“That’s up to you. I take it you’re not ready to tell him it’s you.”
“No,” I say quickly. God no, I’m not ready for that. I’m not sure if I will ever be.
“Okay, then lie low. You’re good at what you do. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Maverick would care.”
I laugh. “He’s overprotective as it is. I have no doubt him finding out what I do will send him over the edge.”
“Probably. He’s always been intense. I’ve always seen that part of him, no matter how hard he hides it behind his laid-back attitude.”
“Travis,” I begin softly. “My dad showed up a few weeks ago. It was...” I pause, trying to find the right word to describe it. “Intense. I didn’t know he was back, and I have no idea where he disappeared to. Can you find out for me?”
"I will. I’ll have Melissa look into it. We’ll uncover everything; even find out where that motherfucker has been hiding these last few years. As soon as I have the information, I'll let you know," Travis promises. "Stay safe, Lisa."
"You too, Travis,” I murmur and end the call.
I’ve fought against myself about whether or not I’d find out where my dad’s gone, but the past three weeks, no matter how hard I try to forget about him, I can’t. I can’t get past everything that’s happened.
I sit in silence, running my fingers over the edge of the countertop, lost in thought. My father, the man who abandoned me when I needed him the most. The man who left me without a single goodbye, without a single explanation. I needed him. I was so lost, so hurt, so broken, and he left. He chose Tanya over me, just as he did every time before that.
I thought I could move past it, that I could forget about him. But the moment he showed up, I realised I had only buried the feelings deep down inside of me.
Why can't I forget about it? Why does it still make me sad whenever I think of him leaving? He made his choice and I wasn't it. I hate him for that. I hate him for all the stupid choices he's made. He ruined so many lives, and mine was one of them.
Eight Months Later
For fuck’s sake.Yet another hanging body, another red ribbon. Who the fuck is leaving this for me?
“Maverick, you done already?” Cole asks when he answers the phone.
“No, it was already done, Cole. Yet another fucking present. This makes the sixteenth one in the span of fucking eight months,” I growl.
It’s been eight months and we’ve yet to uncover who the hell is behind this shit. It makes no sense to me. How the hell have they been able to keep their identity hidden? How does no one have any fucking idea who the hell is doing the killings? I’m fucking impressed, that’s for sure. They’ve managed to make a name for themselves without doing anything other than hanging men and women. They’re a fucking legend. Everyone knows of the Hanging Reaper, yet no one knows their true identity.
“Maverick, you're beginning to sound like a paranoid old man. Just because someone is leaving red ribbons on the nooses,it doesn't mean it's a conspiracy to get to you," Cole attempts to reason with me. "Maybe they’re helping?"
"Helping?" I scoff. "Sixteen times in eight months isn't helping, Cole. It’s a fuck of a lot more than that. If it’s so innocent, why haven’t they shown their face?"
"I know. I was just trying to help. I'm looking into it," he sighs. "But don't go jumping to conclusions, alright? You never know what the hell this is. I’m just glad they haven’t come for you. The way the Hanging Reaper operates, you won’t see them coming until it’s too late."
"I know. That’s why I want to know who the fuck is behind it all," I snap. "There's so much more to this than meets the eye."
"Alright, alright," Cole says, sounding frustrated. "I'll get to the bottom of it. Just try to stay calm, alright?"
"I will," I assure him. "Just keep me updated on it.” I end the call and turn to Emmanuel. “We’d better go. Jer will be waiting on us.”