"Alright, Maverick. I'll see what I can dig up," Freddie agrees. "But just so you know, with both Tommy and Tanya running the show, it’s not a long shot to conclude that Ben is too. You might not like what you find about Turner."
I scoff. "I already don’t. Trust me, Freddie, Ben Turner is a motherfucker and I’ll enjoy taking the fucker out. I just need to know anything you can find."
“You got it, but I’m pretty sure that Jer knows about him—well, Tanya at least.”
I run a hand down my face as I remember having the conversation with Jer about Tanya years ago. Fuck.
“That woman broke up a marriage. They both did. Her now husband was already married, had a kid and a family. They fucked up the mam and daughter with their bullshit. His ex-wife had bipolar and was struggling to find the right medication to help her through her depression. From what Niall found out, Tommy’s daughter was switching her pills. The poor woman couldn’t even get the help she needed.”
Lisa believes her mam died due to her depression, but the truth is, she wouldn’t have been in a deep depression if it hadn’t been for Tanya. That fucking bitch played with her medication, which eventually led to Lisa’s mam’s death.
“I’ll talk to Jer, but I’d appreciate you digging for me.”
“You got it. How long are you going to keep your woman hidden?”
I scoff. “For as long as possible. I know what you fuckers are like.”
It’s been just over a week. I’m nowhere near ready to share her with these assholes, but I know eventually they’ll meet properly. Lisa isn’t going anywhere.
But right now, I need to focus on ensuring her father stays away from her. She’s been in foster care since she was thirteen. That means that asshole hasn’t been a father to her for over eight years. He can get fucked if he thinks he can show up and things will go back to how they were before he abandoned her.
Freddie laughs. "Can’t blame you, man," he says, clearly amused. "I have a feeling that this shit with Ben isn’t merely an information finder. You’re going to do what the Cleaner does best. When the time comes, remember you’re not alone."
"I know. I appreciate it, Freddie. Thanks, I’ll speak to you soon," I say, ending the call.
I need to call Jer, and then decide what I want to happen. I respect my uncle. I’d do anything for him. He’s the boss. But right now, with the way that I’m feeling, I can’t obey him if he tells me to stay away from Ben Turner. No fucking way. Not after knowing what I do now.
I pace the room, my jaw ticking with each step I take. I won't let him hurt her again. I won’t let him bring her down as she fights the memories of what happened eight years ago. He fucked up, and I’ll be damned if he gets close to her again.
I'm falling so fucking hard for this girl. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that he dies for what he’s done to her.
My phone buzzeson the nightstand and I groan, reaching over for it. The harsh brightness of the screen stings my eyes as I squint to read the message. It's from The Agency.
The Agency: 6 a.m. Dublin city. Male, aged 48.
That’s all the message says, but it’s enough for me to know what it means. I have another target. It’s been a month since I killed Leon, and tonight I have one more person to take out.
I quickly respond, letting The Agency know I’ll be taking the job. My gaze moves to the time on the screen and I see that it’s a little after three a.m. I don’t have much time to get organised and make sure everything is in place.
Thankfully, tonight is the first night in three weeks that Maverick and I haven’t spent together. Which means I don’t have to have any awkward questions about where I’m going.
I jump out of bed and start packing the essentials into my bag. Black leather gloves, along with a thick black snood. I crouch in front of the safe in my wardrobe and open it, pulling out the needle filled with the toxin I need, along with a thick rope.
My phone buzzes again, this time with the full details of my intended target and where to find him. Thankfully, this asshole will be by the river as it is, meaning it will be a quick and easy death for him.
I read through the text as I quickly get dressed. It’s going to take me at least thirty minutes to walk to the location—I don’t have time to contact Jason and get a stolen car— not to mention sifting through each idea and coming up with the best plan of action to ensure that nothing goes wrong with this hit.
It’s over an hour later when I’m leaving the house. I wanted to be gone a lot sooner than this, but I needed to ensure I had everything. It’s always better to be over prepared rather than under prepared.
I slip into my black leather jacket, zipping it up as I head out the door, making sure everything is locked behind me. The wind wraps around me as I move quickly down the street, trying my hardest to not be seen.
As I approach the location, I glance at my watch. Fuck, it’s now almost five a.m. I should have been here sooner, but fuck, I’m here now. I keep to the shadows, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. I need to remain hidden until the time is right.